Recent content by Tulipmasteer

  1. T

    Best Nesting Box Location? Interior, hybrid or exterior in the run?

    I went ahead and built a 4x4 chicken coop for my 4 pullets, but haven't put a nesting box in yet because I wasn't sure if I wanted it hanging off the side, more flush, or completely exterior. The inside of the coop is 16 sqft and they have a 50 sqft run- which nesting box style would be best for...
  2. T

    How do your chickens show affection to you?

    I’m hoping this is a sign of affection and not them attempting to tenderize me, but my pullets scrape their beaks against me in a downward motion. If they do it on skin a little too hard it hurts a little and I have to scold them lol! Besides that one of my Easter eggers loves to sit on my lap...
  3. T

    Brahma heat maximum?

    Hey everyone, first time chicken owner here! I have 3 Easter eggers and 1 light Brahma pullets- all four are about 9 weeks old. I had read that brahmas are cold hardy but not heat hardy, but I figured that she should do fine here in PA. Today we had a 84 degree day after nights of 30s, and I...
  4. T

    healthy chick making a different kind of sound than the other chicks

    Funny, I too have an Easter egger at 4 weeks that sounds raspier than the other 2. She’s otherwise just as healthy so I’m going to chalk it up to her being different. I actually love the way she sounds, fits her sweet personality very well. She seems to be at the bottom of the pecking order so...
  5. T

    Marek’s and unvaccinated chicks

    Haha, I was being a bit dramatic about being kept up at night, but it does worry me that mareks is so common just about everywhere. With predators at least I can build a really good coop and run and be decently confident in their safety but this stuff just floats on the wind! Thanks for the info!
  6. T

    Marek’s and unvaccinated chicks

    Hello! First post here and first time chick caretaker! After months of research, I finally picked up 3 ameracanas/easter egger and one light Brahma female day old chicks from TSC about three weeks ago. So far it’s been great, but as I continue to research the multitude of horrible things that...
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