Recent content by TheSpiceGirls

  1. TheSpiceGirls

    If feed stores closed and you can’t free range...

    I'm in a quarantine zone and while all my local feed stores are closed to the public. All will take your order over the phone, you drive up and they load it into your car. I know that doesn't really answer your question. I live in the city so there's no way my hens would get enough to eat in...
  2. TheSpiceGirls

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Post your best (worst) chicken molt pics!

    One of my Jersey Giants won this category several years ago. She would jettison nearly every feather and walk around naked and shivering for nearly three weeks till she finally had some coverage again. Not exactly a proud honor to earn but if you are going to molt like that, you might as well...
  3. TheSpiceGirls

    Cochin Thread!!!

    This is a Partridge Cochin (standard size). And she has feathered feet. Just for reference.
  4. TheSpiceGirls

    Cochin Thread!!!

    Here's a photo of my Partridge from a year ago when she was a youngster. Mine did get a little redder as she aged.
  5. TheSpiceGirls

    Cochin Thread!!!

    She's a Partridge Cochin. I have one.
  6. TheSpiceGirls

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    You can put a fan out for them when it's hot too. I have one of those cheap box fans on a Xmas light timer so it comes on around 11am when it warms up and goes off around 7pm. I have one big 9lb BO who will come up to the fan when it comes on, turn around and put her tail towards the fan and...
  7. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giant laid her first today

    My JG will sit on TOP of another hen if she's in HER nest box. She's a BIG Jersey and there isn't room for two in there.
  8. TheSpiceGirls

    What is this chicken thinking?

    We were hoping to go as nesting dolls / nesting chickens for Halloween this fall and are practicing.
  9. TheSpiceGirls

    Cochin Thread!!!

    Yea, I'll carry her around or sit with her in my lap and calmly stroke her and talk to her. She loves it. She really is a sweet bird and I don't think she means to bite. She's just very aggressive about food and knows that treats come in my hands so she's always pecking at my fingers. I...
  10. TheSpiceGirls

    Cochin Thread!!!

    Does anyone have any advice on how to manage a very aggressive Cochin? She's one year old this month. Bought her with another Cochin and 4 Buff Orpingtons and raised them together. Then introduced them to my three adult hens. All that went very well. The Cochins were clearly the bottom of...
  11. TheSpiceGirls

    Chicken squat while eating?

    Could be possible too. She is a Cochin. And I picked up one of my Buff Orpingtons the other day and she's plucked out all her breast feathers. No other signs of going broody. But spring is in the air and I knew I'd have to deal w/ broodies when I got these guys.
  12. TheSpiceGirls

    Chicken squat while eating?

    Interesting. That makes sense. She was the bottom of the pecking order for her first 9 months and then suddenly discovered she's just as big and has a beak and has become more aggressive in the past few month. Not so aggressive that we have issues. But sleeping on the top roost rung, etc...
  13. TheSpiceGirls

    Chicken squat while eating?

    Can someone tell me what's going on here? This is a 11 month old Partridge Cochin. She's very food obsessed and loves to eat. Otherwise acting fine and laying eggs. But I caught her last night at the feeder taking several big gulps of food and then flaring her wings out like she was...
  14. TheSpiceGirls

    My Chicks are Purring?!

    I LOVE that sound. My big Jersey Giant will trill when she's happy and today was sunny and warm after a LOT of rain this winter and she was outside trilling up a storm.
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