Recent content by The Grobfather

  1. T

    Potential infestation. Please help me with identification and treatment options.

    Thank you both for the replies. So for the permethrin based sprays and dusts, are those safe for chickens to be around? And do either of you potentially know what kind of mite it is from the picture? Would you also recommend giving them a bath of some sort? Or would a dust bath of sand, dirt...
  2. T

    Potential infestation. Please help me with identification and treatment options.

    Hello everyone, Last night, I performed an inspection of the nesting boxes in the coop, and I saw these small insects crawling around on the eggs. I placed the eggs inside of an egg carton, and it looks like some hitched a ride, so I took pictures of them. Based on these pictures, could anyone...
  3. T

    Suspected Grade 1 Bumblefoot

    Good evening, I have given her a few epsom salt baths, but I am not sure if it has formed into a scab yet. When I look for a spot, it just looks discolored in that area. There is also a similar spot on her other toe as well that I discovered during one of the baths. Would blue kote allow her...
  4. T

    Suspected Grade 1 Bumblefoot

    Thanks again for all of the help! Regarding the scab on the toe, should I slowly remove it with tweezers? Or do you recommend using something else?
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    Suspected Grade 1 Bumblefoot

    My apologies, I did not see those two questions. I am in southwest Michigan. We have had weather get below freezing within the past two weeks. Thank you for your insightful advice. Tomorrow, I will get some epsom salt. Should I also wrap her foot with vet bandage? Would frostbite cause the...
  6. T

    Suspected Grade 1 Bumblefoot

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She is an Isa Brown who is approximately 11 months old. She does not feel lighter or thinner than the other two chickens. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She has issues with her feet...
  7. T

    Emergency - Lethargic, antisocial, hen refusing to eat food.

    @Wyorp Rock good morning, I checked the crop and it felt the same. The gritty and almost sandy/squishy feeling is there. I also checked her breath and it did not smell irregular. She did end up eating some of the mashed food as you suggested. Other than that, she seems pretty disinterested in...
  8. T

    Emergency - Lethargic, antisocial, hen refusing to eat food.

    The chickens never get outside of the chicken run, and I do not think any of my neighbors have placed out rat poison. When I see my droppings, I will see what color they are. It could have been the flash. I was able to get her mouth open. To me, they appeared to be white.
  9. T

    Emergency - Lethargic, antisocial, hen refusing to eat food.

    I am not sure if it is relevant, but her eggs also look vastly different compared to the other two.
  10. T

    Emergency - Lethargic, antisocial, hen refusing to eat food.

    Thanks for the input, I greatly appreciate it. I will remove the sources of grit. I will give her a soupy feed mixture and will see how she handles it. As for a picture, here is one attached.
  11. T

    Emergency - Lethargic, antisocial, hen refusing to eat food.

    Hello! She is still laying. I found one of her eggs this morning.
  12. T

    Emergency - Lethargic, antisocial, hen refusing to eat food.

    Update: I found the crop on her and it felt gritty and sandy. It did not feel hard whatsoever.
  13. T

    Emergency - Lethargic, antisocial, hen refusing to eat food.

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She is an Isa Brown and her name is Emily. Approximately six months old. I believe she has been laying eggs. I am not sure if her weight, but it seems the same. 2) What is the behavior...
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