Recent content by ThatUserNameAlreadyTaken

  1. T

    Neighbour attracting foxes

    You lost me at, " I do not want to kill any foxes." Shoot them, use leg traps then dispatch them .... of just live with the issue.
  2. T

    Our Neighbor loves the fox, but it's killing our Guineas!

    I'm a big believer in shooting the bastids (foxes). However, in some locales, that is prohibited (not mine). Traps work. Havahart types do not. Leg traps, properly set and baited do. Of course, leg traps are not for catch and release. You have to dispatch them.
  3. T

    Comment by 'ThatUserNameAlreadyTaken' in article 'Top 10 Best Egg Producing Chicken Breeds'

    I am 70 years of age and have been raising Hy-Line 76, since a young age. I am shocked that they didn't make the list. It's not uncommon for them to drop 320-340 per year. They handle cold well and extreme heat and continue to lay without missing a beat.
  4. T

    Are there anyways to deter foxes?

    Many make the claim that foxes are difficult to trap. However, I have an acquaintance that has harvest numerous foxes with leg traps.
  5. T

    Are there anyways to deter foxes?

    Actually, a .30=.30 is overkill. A standard .22 rimfire works well. I have found that a .17 HMR perfect for the task.
  6. T

    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    I have an acquaintance that is a trapper. I'd estimate that over 1/3 of his income comes from his pelts and fur trade. He catches many foxes. Uses leg traps. When running his traps, he shoots the trapped foxes, using only a .22 rimfire, in order to preserve the fur. Define "live trap". The...
  7. T

    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    What blithering idiot wrote that? What you kill doesn't come back to plague your livestock. Seriously, if that came from some article ... what periodical is that idiotic? Dispatch your current predators and dispatch those that follow.
  8. T

    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    I use any method of killing 'coons that are available. From shootin' the bastids to the old Golden Malrin cola trick. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of Golden Malrin changed their formula, placing some ingredient that 'coons are repelled. Perhaps, for the smell or taste. In 2013, which was...
  9. T

    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    I fully comprehend your situation. Evil cretins let loose vermin on, or close to your property and the COWARDLY cops and game wardens won't even consider following their oath to uphold the law and skitter away like the vermin that they truly are.
  10. T

    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    So, what you're attempting to state is that there are no occupied properties closer to that river than you do? If that is not the case, face it you are making your problem someone else's problem, without getting their permission to do so.
  11. T

    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    In Nohio (special emphasis on the "No"), it is illegal to release vermin. If you catch them, on your property, you are allowed to release them, on your property, or dispatch them on your property. People that take their problem and move it to make it someone else's problem are just plain evil.
  12. T

    What is this animal?

    They do eat eggs and young chicks. A major part of their diet, depending on the time of year are ground squirrels and chipmunks. "Groundhogs are herbivores. They eat primarily plants such as grasses, flowers, and other vegetation. Groundhogs only eat at safe distances from their burrows...
  13. T

    Possums and skunks

    Personally, I enjoy harvesting vermin. Not only are they a danger to my birds, but they can be rather destructive to out buildings. Some don't like the idea of eradicating cockroaches and rats. An infestation of vermin is an infestation of vermin.
  14. T

    Possums and skunks

    This week I "harvested" thirteen raccoons and one opossum. No skunks, praise the Lord (smell can last for weeks). Just part of maintaining nature's balance.
  15. T

    Hoop Coop in TX, I think it might have been a bad idea

    One need recall that when a temperature is given, it is the ambient temperature (degrees in the shade, not in direct sun). If your hoop is exposed to direct sunlight, it is no wonder that the temperature varies, substantially, from the ambient temperature.
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