Recent content by SnowflakeMama

  1. SnowflakeMama

    Injured Foot or Leg - Need help to diagnose

    Hi, I'll try to grab a video later today, she's still holding it up and only setting it down but when I unwrapped it this afternoon to make sure there wasn't any new heat/swelling, etc. I was able to see the problem now. Two of her toes (back claw, one outer toe) are totally bruised. Obviously...
  2. SnowflakeMama

    Injured Foot or Leg - Need help to diagnose

    Hello, I have a beautiful little hen named Honey with a foot or leg problem - maybe. First, she was inside a week ago, I found her sitting on the ground in their run cold and lethargic. I found that she had pooped on herself and it was so cold here (-40C) that it froze and stuck and of course...
  3. SnowflakeMama

    Sudden Polish Chicken Death

    I realize this thread has been quiet for a while so I apologize for dredging it up again, but I'm experiencing the same issue. I hatched 14 Polish eggs in late spring of this year. They've been kept away from my big birds this entire time. In the past few weeks we've lost 7 pullets suddenly...
  4. SnowflakeMama

    Weird Growth on 6-day-old Polish Chick

    No, and the more we look at it the more I think it's full of air. So like Coach said maybe a ruptured air sac. We'll monitor for the next few days and hopefully it will resolve on its own. I thought it might be a tiny bit smaller today but we'll see with time.
  5. SnowflakeMama

    Weird Growth on 6-day-old Polish Chick

    Thanks, I'll go read up on it. :)
  6. SnowflakeMama

    Weird Growth on 6-day-old Polish Chick

    Thanks for loading the pic, my phone wasn't cooperating and I'm too tired to figure it out today. That would be great if it was the crop, I've never seen it like this on the back of the shoulder, but we've only had chickens a few years so my experience is limited. Is that normal? And I...
  7. SnowflakeMama

    Weird Growth on 6-day-old Polish Chick

    Hello, We just hatched some Polish chicks this last week and today while cleaning up and checking for pasty butt, etc. we noticed a growth or lump on one of the chicks. It's on the back of the "shoulder" and is very squishy to the touch. It was actually hard to notice so it may have been there...
  8. SnowflakeMama

    Chicken will not open eyes

    Just in case someone else has a similar issue down the road... I now suspect Frank has Marek's. This morning his eyes were still pretty clear but now they are very definitely cloudy. We've been advised to cull immediately and deal with the coop/run cleaning, etc. And we'll be watching the...
  9. SnowflakeMama

    Chicken will not open eyes

    Unfortunately no, when the smoke rolls in it's literally everywhere, even in the house. He looks good this morning, still perky and even opened his eyes for a moment when I went to sit with him. I'm thinking the smoke was just too much - which is awful because the way this summer is shaping up...
  10. SnowflakeMama

    Chicken will not open eyes

    I will definitely do this! I didn't even think of it. Thank you!
  11. SnowflakeMama

    Chicken will not open eyes

    I forgot one more thing! We're having insane wildfires where we live right now and today it got very smoky in the afternoon. The sky is orange and there's ash on my car. I wondered if this could be affecting his eyes/sinuses? None of the other birds seem affected (yet) but maybe a possibility?
  12. SnowflakeMama

    Chicken will not open eyes

    Oh sorry, I forgot that part. Frank is almost 16 weeks, an orpington/cream legbar pullet or cockerel... gender is very much up for debate still. We hatched him and haven't introduced any new critters from anywhere else for a while now. We had some new chicks this spring but they were separate...
  13. SnowflakeMama

    Chicken will not open eyes

    Hi, I apologize in advance if this is a repeat question, I did search and read all the posts about vision problems but they all seemed a bit different than what we have going on here. On to the problem... when I was tucking "the kids" into the run tonight I noticed Frank was lagging behind...
  14. SnowflakeMama

    Pullet developing differently

    Ours is named Little too! It just feels appropriate, since we keep saying “you know, the little one”. 😂 I’m glad to hear it’s working for your Little, that gives me confidence!
  15. SnowflakeMama

    Failure to Thrive Chick, 4 weeks

    I've just asked a similar question, I have a 6 1/2 week pullet that is definitely not growing at the same rate as her "sister" and other brooder mates. She's teeny, and has no feathers on her head yet but otherwise does everything her room mates do and seems energetic and healthy. She's...
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