Recent content by Smashlee83

  1. Smashlee83

    Texas Peafowl Breeder needed

    Finally ready to get my Peafowl. Are there any breeders near Houston? Would be willing to drive a little ways.
  2. Smashlee83

    Nightly gathering of chickens

    Here's a pic of my Frizzle Terry. She's one of the 3 amigos that's driving me insane. I must protect her at all costs.
  3. Smashlee83

    Nightly gathering of chickens

    Here's a pic of the coop from the outside. Chickens and ducks are the large building in the middle. The smaller building to the left is just shelter for goats and pig. Inside is pretty basic. Windows with hardware cloth on 3 sides. small grow out coop inside for babies and nesting boxes they...
  4. Smashlee83

    Nightly gathering of chickens

    Last night was extra hard. They decided to get UNDER the coop and no matter how I tried, I couldn't get them out to go into the coop. After 30 minute of laying in the dirt and getting chewed up by ants I had to leave the two cockerels there. I hope they made it through the night. I have a...
  5. Smashlee83

    Nightly gathering of chickens

    One is a frizzle silky and the other two are EE silky mixes.
  6. Smashlee83

    Nightly gathering of chickens

    I brought some ducks home recently that had it in 3 days. These goofballs are a month in. I'm tired!
  7. Smashlee83

    Nightly gathering of chickens

    I've got windows on three of the 4 walls and it's about 80 degrees in the evenings. I wish I had a secure run to let them into at night but unfortunately not set up for that. I have worried it's the heat but when all of this started with my previous flock, it was much cooler.
  8. Smashlee83

    Nightly gathering of chickens

    About 6 months ago I lost all but two of my flock to predators (mostly raccoons) because my birds stopped sleeping inside their coop. Even my amazing roo, started insisting on sleeping outside the coop and was taken. I have two girls left and they consistently go into their coop and roost. Now I...
  9. Smashlee83

    Limp Chick - dog attack

    She seems to be turning a corner! She's started to support herself and eat and drink on her own! She's still very wobbly and has one foot curled under when she stands. But I think she might make it!
  10. Smashlee83

    Limp Chick - dog attack

    I don’t want to give up on her, but at what point is it better to put her down?
  11. Smashlee83

    Limp Chick - dog attack

    She’s still alive but not showing any improvements in mobility. If i hold her i can spoon feed her liquids, but it’s day 3 and she’s still like a limp noodle when i set her down. She can flap her wings but cant hold herself up.
  12. Smashlee83

    Limp Chick - dog attack

    Trust me, i don’t think he’s gentle at all. He’s 150 lbs. I keep them separated at all times when i can, but she’s so little she slipped through the gate and i hadn’t noticed when I let the dog out this morning.
  13. Smashlee83

    Limp Chick - dog attack

    I’ve got some save a chick, I’ve gotten her to take a few sips off.
  14. Smashlee83

    Limp Chick - dog attack

    My 8 week old chick got out of her pen and fell victim to our mastiff. He’s prone to carrying around and licking chickens but has never injured one. This little baby can’t seems to stand up now. There’s no blood, no punctured and i can’t find a broken bone but she came seem to support herself...
  15. Smashlee83

    Silkie Feathering

    Just hatched some gorgeous little partridge silkies. My first time with this coloring. I just noticed these new feathers this morning. Are these indicators of male feathering?
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