Recent content by Slamoureux

  1. S

    Rooster Introduction

    Thanks so much for your input everyone! I ended up keeping him in the crate in the coop for almost a week, then let him out to free range with the girls under CLOSE supervision. Most of the hens just ignored him, but the more aggressive one decided to fight him. He’s already quite dominant (and...
  2. S

    Rooster Introduction

    I lost my roo to a fox a few weeks ago (RIP Lucky :hit), and am in the process of introducing my new roo (3 month old Speckled Sussex) to my 12 ladies. I have him in a large wire dog kennel in the coop, and most of the hens don’t mind him at all. However, I have 2 that are still attacking him...
  3. S

    Rooster Conundrum :(

    Hello! I have a decision to make, and am completely torn about what to do. We have 12 hens and 2 roosters, all just turned a year old and raised together. Our head rooster (an Easter Egger named Jerko, that’s what I get for letting my husband name one lol) is a great flock leader, not rough...
  4. S

    Moulting in January??

    One of my girls has apparently decided that mid-January (at -30 degrees!) is a good time to molt. She doesn’t seem to be getting picked on, no scabs or bleeding anywhere (other than a touch of frostbite to her wattles and comb), but this is my first winter with chickens and I’m a little...
  5. S

    Large crops, but happy hens?

    Yep, everyone was right! Apparently the ladies just pig out when they free range in the evening, they look fine this morning. Thanks for the reassurance, I really appreciate it!
  6. S

    Large crops, but happy hens?

    New chicken owner question! I noticed this week that both of my Colombian Rock hens (5 months old) seem to have really large crops compared to my other birds. They are both active, eating and drinking, and come running for treats. The crops feel soft, not lumpy, similar to the other birds, and...
  7. S

    Matilda is going to lose her feet. :(

    Assuming chicken feet heal the same way as human feet, she will be growing a little bit of tissue and some new skin under the necrotic cap. As long as the necrotic part is kept nice and dry (good call on not putting her on wet ground!), it’s just acting like nature’s band aid for now. If the...
  8. S


    The branch is from a tree in our backyard, I had the bigger chicks in there with no issues so I don’t think it’s the culprit. (The breeder gave me some day old chicks and some that were about 4 weeks old, which I separated due to limited brooder space) Definitely no rodents, the cats and dog...
  9. S


    Hi all, Just got my first batch of 21 chicks at the beginning of April, and am absolutely loving them! I have the brooder set up in my entryway, they had a heat lamp with good temperature until this week when I weaned them off, and all was well. So far, I have lost 5 babies, all very rapidly...
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