Recent content by sewingca

  1. sewingca


    This lovely fellow is Repete and free! (Pete has already found a home) He is quite young, I can't say how young 'cause I don't keep track of things. We have a rooster and have found that more than one in our small flock is one too many. Message me if you are interested. Thanks, Caroline
  2. sewingca


    We drove by there on Sunday - it was a packed house! You may want to PM the regulars. I don't know anyone well enough to ask. It had been sparse in months before April, 2013, though.
  3. sewingca

    The Chickendad Chronicles

    This is not Michigan, but it's not Florida either. We usually move straight from winter into summer. It's behaving like hurricane season with rain for the past four days and a chill in the air. My chicks are wearing water wings in the swamp. Good story, MrsChickendad; are we sure Barbara is...
  4. sewingca

    The Chickendad Chronicles

    So, Barbara, what's your next move? It's cold here in Florida - we keep the big light on in the coop with our wimpy chickens. One wrongly directed stinkeye would wipe out our entire flock! I'm gonna go find my jammies with the footsies and read some more. oxoxo
  5. sewingca

    The Chickendad Chronicles

    "wing-dragging and twirling" - I love to see my boys do their dance for the girls (who don't really appreciate the effort that takes). Love your stories, dear MrsChickendad. Glad all are better. It will be a beautiful wedding!
  6. sewingca

    The Chickendad Chronicles

    Love the pics! Wonderful to see that Wendy is still with us. I've lost my two silver laced Wyandottes to internal laying. Yesterday, the resident eagle had a too-large-to-carry bird and DH told me it wasn't a chicken, but I hurried down to the chicken yard to count. Yep, all accounted for...
  7. sewingca

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Yes, ki4got, I am referring to the golden laced and silver laced Wyandottes. These four were a gift, so I don't know where they started out. I only know of the tendency to be internal layers and the particulars by searching the internet. My first girl died after about 6 months of waddling...
  8. sewingca

    The Wyandotte Thread

    I am an amateur chicken lover - I had four Wyandottes; two golden hens and two silver hens. The silver hens recently died of internal laying. I read that they are bred to be broilers and don't usually live long enough for the defective gene to appear. Were mine the exception to this fine...
  9. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    We've not seen rats in a while; haven't seen snakes lately; getting one or none eggs daily from a group of 9 prime age girls. So, I've "seeded" the nests with fake eggs and, now that it is cooler, will keep the light on through the night. Perhaps the slackers will get back on the wagon and...
  10. sewingca

    do you know B. Cummings, artist?

    Darling Imp, the world is shrinking by the minute! And I, for one, am glad. We used to be small towns where neighbors helped one another. I'd like to think that, in this world, we could all help one another in some way, large or small. Good to hear from you again - Merry Christmas!
  11. sewingca

    do you know B. Cummings, artist?

    Andrew, , so good to hear from you! I will send e-mail you this morning and include BYC in the subject line. Caroline
  12. sewingca

    Comment by 'sewingca' in article 'Six Tips On Breaking Your Egg Eater'

    Great article and comments. I felt we had an egg eater so I confined the most likely suspect for a few days. The egg production was still down and then I spotted rats in the coop. My question is - when there are no eggs or evidence of eggs (shell), is it egg eating or no laying going on? The...
  13. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    Oh, PrairieChickens, we've had black snakes - they eat our eggs! Good thought, though, perhaps since I inadvertantly cleared the rats out, the local snakes will have a feast in the nearby brush. By the way, it was my DH that first saw the "mice". This evening, he saw another "mouse" in the...
  14. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    Prairie Chicken, what's your remedy? I am not adverse to anything short of eating them!
  15. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    Here's an update - it's not mice, but RATS! I moved a panel (out there to keep chickens off the top of the next boxes) and 5 RATS went running! I screamed and flew out of the coop! That was this morning, so they are raiding the nest boxes for eggs during the day. After my heart re-started, I...
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