Rcasady's latest activity

  • R
    Rcasady replied to the thread Broody hen.
    This is her first brooding so I'm not sure she's confused or just undecided or something. She's not in the way of other chickens but...
  • R
    I have a 3 year old buff orpington I think had gone broody. She's been laying in a nesting box for about 1 week only coming out for a...
  • R
    Rcasady replied to the thread Dead Barred Rock.
    We treated her for scaly leg mites last month and it worked. I checked her over yesterday when she was moving slow (one of the few times...
  • R
    I have a 3 year old barred rock. She was moving slow yesterday but eating and drinking. Came out of the coop this morning and died. I'm...
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