Recent content by PnppleUpsdDwnChk

  1. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Hello, my chicks are about 8 1/2 weeks old now, and still doing fine, but also still gasping they all started gasping. My adult chickens have MG, and so I treated them for that regardless because they all stayed in the same cage and just finished treatment yesterday. Theyre all doing wonderful...
  2. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Its around 80-82 degrees. I have turned it down since your last comment and its about 80. The heat lamp is maybe 4 feet high and they're ground level. They also get outside of the brooder daily in a room around 70 degrees probably for an hour, the two who are gasping come outside the most, while...
  3. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Okay, thank you I will lower the heat and see how they do! I appreciate it a lot!
  4. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Thats okay, its confusing to me also, I appreciate it!
  5. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Im not sure exactly, but its the impeckables starter kit heat lamp which they say is 120v 250 watt type r bulb and has a gaurd, Thank you!
  6. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    I have a secured heatlamp and monitor the temp with a thermometer, they have a large dog cage and the cool side is around 75°, they have tsc pine woodchips for bedding! I also let them roam the room they are in frequently which is about 70°
  7. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    I have 4 chicks, Sebright, unknown Bantam, Sapphire Sky, and Gl Wyandotte all about 3 weeks old. The Sapphire Sky began gasping at about 1 1/2 weeks and stopped (so we thought), she gasps lightly about 3 times,then stops and starts again then stops for most of the day but will start up again...
  8. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    Need advice on what this hens eye problem could be

    Thank you so much! It is extremely appreciated. I will get to work on that.
  9. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    Need advice on what this hens eye problem could be

    EDIT: After this post i checked their poos and i mustve not checked hard enough the first time because they have worms! I think round worms and they will be getting safegaurd dewormer. Bantam creamlegbar or barnyard mix smaller than other birds in the flock and slower as well, she lags behind...
  10. PnppleUpsdDwnChk


    Thank you! I agree
  11. PnppleUpsdDwnChk


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am very new to chickens. I only help take care of them but i am the primary caregiver of the physical chickens, my parents just look at them and buy the stuff for them (they are irresponsible but I try my best and live at home and...
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