Recent content by Ozarkhomesteader

  1. Ozarkhomesteader

    Crossbeak in Breeding...when to cull the breeders?

    Alright, quick question! I have a pair of silver sebrights bantams. I will make a disclaimer and say they are hatchery quality, not show birds. Unrelated (as far as I know) bought from different stores and in different years. Kept these two as a fun side project cause the breed is cute! I hatch...
  2. Ozarkhomesteader

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    Not sure if this forum is very active anymore! But if it is, I have a question! So I have 3 ayam cemani I hatched out of some eggs from a local breeder. She has fantastic birds, black everywhere. Unfortunately these 3 I have are now 3 months old or so, almost 4. They have perfectly black...
  3. Ozarkhomesteader

    Have any of you ever had khaki Campbell x Muscovy crosses? How common is it? What did they look like?

    I had my khaki slip into my Muscovy pen one day...time babies came around, I ended with one mixed baby out of the bunch. He looks like a Rouen duckling, but my muscovies are black and white, so I often have ones that look like that. I wasn't sure at first who was pure and who was not, but the...
  4. Ozarkhomesteader

    Review by 'Ozarkhomesteader' in article 'How To Teach Your Puppy To Be Trustworthy Around Your Poultry'

    This is a great, well written article! It is real and gives such good advice to help dogs and poultry peacefully coexist! Thank you for writing it! I will be using this to help me train my unruly "teenager" lol.
  5. Ozarkhomesteader

    Anyone else have LGDs?? I am in serious need of advice!!

    Thank you so much!! This has definitely given me hope. I LOVE your article, how have I not found that in all my research?? It was very well written and real. I will be referencing that a ton! I am gonna keep trying with him. I had a dumb rabbit escape the pen this morning and he killed her 😞 but...
  6. Ozarkhomesteader

    Anyone else have LGDs?? I am in serious need of advice!!

    There is not much on here about livestock guardian dogs, but I figure some people have them, so here goes! Literally any advice is appreciated. THE BACKSTORY: ok, so I've wanted and LGD for years and years. Was never ready, but have been researching them for years. I've read every article I...
  7. Ozarkhomesteader

    Help! Introducing a hen to Muscovy flock

    That is very smart!! I do that with roosters who try to get sassy with me, and occasionally my gander during breeding season lol. Hadn't thought to try it with ducks bullying each other!! I will totally keep that in mind, thank you! Also! Little update, got the other group sold, and so my...
  8. Ozarkhomesteader

    Caruncles on back of neck?

    It's not a problem. Not sure why some have it and some don't, but it is totally fine! I had a big chocolate boy with them on the back of the neck, he was 2 or 3 years old. But my oldest drake is probably 7, and he doesn't have them! So it's a totally individual thing.
  9. Ozarkhomesteader

    Help! Introducing a hen to Muscovy flock

    I sure will, thank you so much!!
  10. Ozarkhomesteader

    Help! Introducing a hen to Muscovy flock

    Thank you so much for the advice!! That makes sense to lock the bully up to give her a break! I think I may try it, surely eventually they will all become buddies! It just may take some work ;) Thank you!! Nice to hear it's worked for someone else.
  11. Ozarkhomesteader

    Help! Introducing a hen to Muscovy flock

    Hey there! I have been keeping muscovies for quite a few years, but I am hoping someone who has some more experience will chime in! Any input or ideas appreciated! So I have two separate breeding groups of muscovies this spring. I've decided to reduce to one group (1 drake and 3-4 hens) and...
  12. Ozarkhomesteader

    Guineas dying, help!!

    Oh, I hadn't thought of that! But it makes sense. Thank you for the suggestion, I will pick up a bag tomorrow.
  13. Ozarkhomesteader

    Guineas dying, help!!

    Thanks! I sure am hard on myself, especially if I might've caused one of my precious babies to die! I will work on that though, lol ;) I hope it is too! Coop is now cleaned and disinfected, and I'm treating them for all the things lol. One lethargic baby died early afternoon sadly, but the other...
  14. Ozarkhomesteader

    Guineas dying, help!!

    Thank you!! Any input is much appreciated :) I hate to admit it, but it's been over a month since there has been a full clean of the guinea coops. Guinea poop is so small and dry it hasn't been on the top of my list! I am working on that right now, and I'm disinfecting everything too, so if that...
  15. Ozarkhomesteader

    Guineas dying, help!!

    Hi! I tried inspecting it on the ground under the roosts...I wasn't able to see any abnormalities, one little poop looked a little more runny, but I couldn't find any full blown diarrhea or bloody stools. All the rest I could find were normal dry guinea poops! Granted there are over 20 roosting...
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