Recent content by my beautiful girls

  1. my beautiful girls

    Corid did not work, now on endocox?

    that's not what it was, but thanks for the advice.
  2. my beautiful girls

    8 week old that is not gaining weight

    I have a black australorp that has only gained 32 grams this week and she is very thin. she is active and eats and drinks. prior to this she has been gaining 100 grams a week. Her sister weighs almost 200 grams more than her. She does seem to be more skittish than the others, some of her neck...
  3. my beautiful girls

    Is this dry fowl pox?

    Thought her comb was dirty a couple days ago, now this scabs. We do have mosquitoes this year. Does trying to get to a vet helpful?
  4. my beautiful girls

    Corid did not work, now on endocox?

    so the clostridium perfringens test for toxins is negative. so anyone who look at the pictures and their chicks have similar looking poops, apparently it is weird but normal. they are still acting fine, although in my opinion I think the endocox did help, but not the corid.
  5. my beautiful girls

    Corid did not work, now on endocox?

    I sent a fecal to uc davis and coccidiosis and salmonella came back negative. I am waiting on Clostridium perfringens to come back. this has been going on for 3 weeks. their first couple poops of the day are like this then the rest are normal. every day. they had corid and endocox. which seemed...
  6. my beautiful girls

    Corid did not work, now on endocox?

    I have chicks almost six weeks old. My question is how long until their poops are back to normal while on endocox. Package says 3 days treatment. Will they still have orange strings in their poop after the treatment is done? Thank you for your knowledge on this subject in advance.
  7. my beautiful girls

    4.5 week old chick

    so.....I read to disinfect the living area to use ammonia. I really do not want to do that. they still need to live there. I read hydrogen peroxide is no smell disinfectant. Is that true? Also regarding treatment. 6 days enough? Do I retreat a week later? The internet is confusing. many...
  8. my beautiful girls

    4.5 week old chick

    These, watery, mucus urates happen first couple poops of of the day, then regular rest of the day. I did start corid this morning. Sending a fecal sample to uc davis tomorrow. Do you know what causes. The
  9. my beautiful girls

    4.5 week old chick

    She is acting normal. No treats. Kalmback organic chick starter. They had corid treatment 2.5 weeks ago. 6 day of treatment. They are still inside. Temperature not warm enough outside. Other girls poops have occasional intestinal shed, but in normal poops.
  10. my beautiful girls

    4.5 week black australorp with unusual poops

    Lily has been having initial poops like this in the mornings. They were all treated with corid 2 weeks ago. She acts normal and gaining weight. Is this intestinal shedding? Other poops during day are good. Any advice? Other chicks have some shedding but not with the white mucus poop.
  11. my beautiful girls

    4.5 week old chick

    My black australorp chick has been having her initial morning poop like this for a week. Is this something to be concerned with? Thank you in advance.
  12. my beautiful girls

    2 week old chick heavy breathing, sneezing, puffed up

    This is the.correct treatment?
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