Mtn Margie's latest activity

  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie replied to the thread BYC Café.
    Thanks for the coffee! DL, I hope the new doc helps! Bobbi-j, I really hope it is not coming up from the ground and everything dries out...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to DobieLover's post in the thread BYC Café with Wow Wow.
    Good morning Cafè. Coffee is ready. I had the worst bout of insomnia last night. Nothing I did would make me sleepy enough to doze off...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to bobbi-j's post in the thread BYC Café with Wow Wow.
    Good Evening, Cafe’ Well, my day did not go as I had hoped it would. After a fast, hard 3” of rain last night, our sump pump could not...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to DobieLover's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    I decided to let Savannah have a shot at being a mom. Astrid will be put in the breaker tomorrow if Savannah finally settles down and...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to LaFleche's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Come over here and have your pick! :bow
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to LaFleche's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    And another broody Amrock... :th
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to pennyJo1960's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Good morning Cafe everything is quiet here like it that way.
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to Offshoreorca's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Beautiful sunny morning here after a very rainy day yesterday. I think there's more dark...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to aart's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    UHG....mid 80's today, high 80's tomorrow. Windows all buttoned up and DIY pushup pops in the freezer. Supposed to cool way back off...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to sourland's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Good morning, and thanks for the coffee. Went to our son and DIL's yesterday. Someone forgot to pack the meds and clothes change for...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie replied to the thread BYC Café.
    Good morning and thanks for the coffee! DS$ and SO drove in last evening. What a wonderful surprise! They went out in the buggy to...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to Sally PB's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Here's more coffee. I really need it today. Hubby is working, and I have lots I want to get done here. But I sure would like to go back...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to DobieLover's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready and Astrid has slipped over to the dark side. Boy that girl is HUGE when she shifts into turkey mode...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to pertnear09's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Boy that brings back memories. My uncle had one similar to that in the early 60's. I remember one day my granddad got on it and somehow...
  • Mtn Margie
    Mtn Margie reacted to pennyJo1960's post in the thread BYC Café with Like Like.
    Love the tractor use to drive one as kid.
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