Recent content by Msfur08

  1. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    I was looking closely at the wings. I didn't see anything that looked melted. I did see some pin feathers and that seemed to be what she was going after the most. My dad said it could be neurological. I added some Hydro Hen to their water to help with their hydration and gut health.
  2. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    Hmm. Interesting. We have a thing on the top so they can't get on top. But maybe she could have had her wing touching underneath for a long period of time last night and maybe that could have happened. But what to do with her now?
  3. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    So, I just tried to do that and it couldn't stand up with that on it.
  4. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    The brooder is a temporary situation since we are planning to put them under a broody hen. So, it's one of those large tote bins for the moment. We were going to actually put them with the broody last night but then realized the crate we have her in has slots too large to keep the chicks in, so...
  5. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    Were they eventually okay? She's being really persistent about it and isn't even distracted by food or a change in environment.
  6. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    I think that makes sense, but what can I do to help her not self-destruct? She is so preoccupied with pulling her wings and it is causing the others to pull as her too. She's only a few days old, so she has a long way to go with pin feathers since they just started coming in.
  7. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    We've tried distracting her with food. But the only way we have gotten her to calm down is to hold her clasped in our hands, which isn't realistic to do long term. I'd say she definitely seems itchy. But she is hurting herself in the process, so I'm not sure what else I can do to help her.
  8. Msfur08

    Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

    We got 15 layer/dual purpose chicks yesterday. They were shipped with two-day shipping. Everyone looked good upon arrival, though maybe a bit cold. We got them fed (chick crumbles), water (room temp), and a heat plate at back level. They all seemed fine yesterday especially after some time...
  9. Msfur08

    Broody Turkey Hen and Meat Chickens

    We have a turkey hen that seems like she is finally going broody after what was maybe a couple false starts. She had a couple nights where she sat on eggs but lost interest during the day. But now she is sitting during the day and hissing at us if we touch her (she wasn't doing that before). I...
  10. Msfur08

    Turkey Left Out

    We got three turkey poults with our laying chicks in the spring. So, they are around 8-9 months old now. We have been waiting for signs to figure out who is male or female. Well, they all lay eggs, so that answers that. We had thought one might be a Tom until we saw her lay an egg. But that...
  11. Msfur08

    Possibly Fowl Cholera

    To preface, I just had a 7 month old hen die. She suddenly became lethargic (she went from lethargic to dead in less than a day), and I initially thought she had cocci because the only symptom was some weakness, so I started treating her with Corid. I noticed she was very thirsty which I hadn't...
  12. Msfur08

    Surprise Guinea Keets!

    Thanks for the advice! After lots of drama and hissing, we were able to get the mom and keets moved into our transitional brooder. We reinforced the bottom with hardware cloth. Hopefully between that and their mom in there with them the keets will stay in there. We are expecting a lot of rain...
  13. Msfur08

    Surprise Guinea Keets!

    A few weeks ago, our only female guinea hen and sometimes one of the males didn’t roost in the coop like they normally did. I didn’t think much of it because guineas sometimes like to sleep in trees anyway and we still saw them around during the day so I knew they were fine. Then yesterday the...
  14. Msfur08

    Chicken wasn't roosting, found on coop floor in the morning.

    Doesn’t sound broody. I have seen mine sometimes not roost in time before it gets dark. I usually check mine at night (or have my kids check them), so we will move them to the roost of they aren’t up there already. I don’t think you are wrong to be concerned because chickens hide illness and...
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