Recent content by Mrsoveralls

  1. M

    Chain-link dog kennels for run?

    I want to replace my run roof. This looks as though it sheds water well. I live in the south so no need for much snow protection. However, I have a tree towering over my run. How well will this pitch shed leaves? Would a leaf blower take care of that easily enough throughout the year? Or...
  2. M


    Welcome to the flock! I haven't been here but a few weeks nd have totally enjoyed reading so much good advise.
  3. M

    Comment by 'Mrsoveralls' in article 'Upcycled Swing Set to Chicken Coop'

    This looks amazing!!! So much hard work that paid off well I'd love to see how it looks today after some use. Any additions or updates?
  4. M

    Excited to be part of this group!

    Same here, for sure!
  5. M

    Refurbishing a prefab coop/run

    So the only helper that showed up when I was working was a rat snake looking for lunch. She hung around for about 3 hours and never found a way in. Yay! I placed my 2x4's on the outside and hope to round up some help in the future to lift each side so I can slide some extra 2x4's under for...
  6. M

    Refurbishing a prefab coop/run

    Thanks for the advice on placing them on the outside. The inside would have been too difficult under the coop floor. I've run my 2x4's and put down new hardware cloth. My girls (chicks and dogs) were very curious and watched and talked to me all day. Thanks, too, for the link. It has a lot...
  7. M

    Excited to be part of this group!

    You must have some stories to tell! I'm nearing the end of my 3rd quarter. :)
  8. M

    Excited to be part of this group!

    I have to agree! Chickens in the backyard - no matter where you live.
  9. M

    Excited to be part of this group!

    Never been to Nebraska. I hear it's beautiful!
  10. M

    Excited to be part of this group!

    I currently have 12 hens and 2 roosters.
  11. M

    Excited to be part of this group!

    I have loved everything I’ve ever seen on here!
  12. M

    Refurbishing a prefab coop/run

    Maybe. I don’t have a second person to help with it. Your photos show what I’d love to do if I could get help.
  13. M

    Refurbishing a prefab coop/run

    Thanks. That’s what I thought but wanted advice from those with more experience. The rotten areas are only in spots so I don’t have to tear out anything.
  14. M

    Excited to be part of this group!

    I’m new to this group. I’ve seen a lot of great ideas and helpful hints on chicken raising. I’m looking forward to more wisdom from everyone.
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