Recent content by Mrs. K

  1. Mrs. K

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    I prefer to hatch with a broody hen, never had one die. Mrs feathers is my oldest bird and has raised a lot of chicks for me. Set her last night, longest 21 days ever.
  2. Mrs. K

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    If the eggs don’t hatch, slip some chicks under het
  3. Mrs. K

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    Really stop pulling her off the nest and don’t leave food by her. Chickens know more than us, just let her do it. When they hatch, keep an eye out but do not interfere, she will leave the nest and create a new clean one on the floor. She will get them down too with no injury. They are just...
  4. Mrs. K

    Coyote in broad daylight!

    If I lose one during the day, it is mostly coyotes. Two years ago, a family nearly wiped me out.
  5. Mrs. K

    broody but not acting broody?

    I too have had them play at it for a couple of days before getting serious.
  6. Mrs. K

    17 weeks and getting red

    It never gets old
  7. Mrs. K

    We had to isolate last night

    Peace in the flock will greatly increase your joy of keeping chickens. You can try: Keeping the bully separate for a week Putting pin less peepers on her, a lot of people swear by them Sell her or other ways of culling It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes you get a bird that just doesn’t fit...
  8. Mrs. K

    Egg Safety

    Ask for the chemical brand name and call the company.
  9. Mrs. K


    How many hens, how old and how big is the coop and run. Might be too crowded.
  10. Mrs. K

    Rooster issue/ethical question

    Really chickens do not form long lasting bonds. They quickly forget birds from their flock if separated. Hormones really mix relationships. Your enjoyment of the flock will greatly improve once you send him on his way.
  11. Mrs. K

    Chicken choosing to roost in an unsuitable spot

    Show a picture, but if they are not in the nest, I let the do what they want.
  12. Mrs. K

    Integrating Pullets and a cockerel to Existing Flock

    Mrs. Feathers drug the cockerel around the pen by his comb, looking a great deal like my 7th grade teacher Mrs. Ritchie taking a kid to the office. It does them good! He is the flock rooster and manages them all, now.
  13. Mrs. K

    Landrace/adaptive breeding discussion

    I have hatched under a broody in October, and actually it worked well. I nearly pulled the chicks when at 2 weeks of age, we hit a cold spell of -20 night time temperatures, but she raised them just fine. I did feed soaked grain, as I was worried about water freezing too fast. Mrs K
  14. Mrs. K

    Can I swap out roosters with my flock?

    Very true. And they don't call it cock fighting for nothing. After a 3 month go with the ladies, he is not going to go back into the rooster flock easily. And a lot of rooster flocks don't work well over the long term. So as others have said, this might work, but in my experience, the more...
  15. Mrs. K

    Free Range with Neighbors

    Ridgerunner has it right. And once they find a good place, they will be back to it. And they can do a lot of damage to new plants in less time than it takes to tell about it. While I think a dirt bath would be a good addition to your set up, it will not discourage them from going where they...
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