Recent content by MixFlocksRule13

  1. M

    Chicken Toys

    It's finally happened, my chickens lost interest My 4 birds, Pearl, Midnight, Speckles, and Peep, used to love what we have in the coop. We have 2 roosts, 3 nest boxes, a feed bin converted into somewhat if a nest box, a tin of grit, a tin of oyster shell, a hanging feeder, the gravity waterer...
  2. M

    Keep one word, drop one word

    Obnoxious neighbor
  3. M

    Missing Chicken, Possible Mystery Predator

    Thanks for the advice y'all. What's weird is that there isn't any spot for them to get in. Have you guys had them get in your barn in weird ways before?
  4. M

    Missing Chicken, Possible Mystery Predator

    We have seen a fox around, but only twice last winter. Nobody even near us has seen one since.
  5. M

    Missing Chicken, Possible Mystery Predator

    The cart was in the barn and has been in the same spot for months. We don't have a tall barn, and the doors stay closed when people aren't there. There has never been a hawk or owl in the barn as long as we have owned it
  6. M

    Indoor Coop Adjustments

    Great, thanks! Seeming as I would want to try for a sizeable run, I might remodel their current coop back as a stall, and move them to another stall. The back of this one is right at a road, which can have some space taken from it, but probably only a couple yards in. We can make it long...
  7. M

    Missing Chicken, Possible Mystery Predator

    No pleasant posts here. Just a flock of 5 that may have went down to 4 Some time last week (I was out of town and had my grandma taking care of the hens), my Ancona hen Aretha went missing while left out of the coop (I told them to keep turn out limited to while somebody was present at the...
  8. M

    Indoor Coop Adjustments

    Thanks! I'm from Montana I'll see what I can do for a run. Would it be smart to let them have free roam during the day and close them in at night? Our ranch is small and surrounded by neighborhoods. We don't see predators. There's our cats, but they met the chickens when they were all babies...
  9. M

    Indoor Coop Adjustments

    Hey everybody! Man, it must have been a year since I've last been here. Good to be back! So, I have 5 chickens in my barn. We took a stall and converted it into a chicken coop. There's a feed trough that we converted into nest boxes (we have some better ones built now, so I think I'll get rid...
  10. M

    Mental Enrichment

    Hey guys, me again. Long time no see. How are you guys? So, I had to use feeding and watering since there isn't any general health section. But anyway... I went into my chicken coop today to let my 5 ladies outside and noticed Speckles, my littlest hen (and favorite. I'm saying this here...
  11. M

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    We were the kids when we got chickens, so I selected Let The Kids Name Them. We have some named by appearance (Midnight, Pearl (my little brother says she looks like she has pearls on her feathers. She's a Plymouth Barred Rock), and Red (we later realized one of our steers had that same name so...
  12. M

    Lost Black Jersey Giant Hen

    Has anybody seen a Black Jersey Giant hen? Yesterday was the last time we saw Midnight, our Black Jersey Giant hen. She's between 9"-1'3" (I'm not good with estimating this stuff), she has black feathers with red skin on her face, and she doesn't respond to her name. Well, she might kinda...
  13. M

    Keep It Warm

    I actually forgot about this. The problem was already taken care of. The cat's in and the house never got cold in the first place, oddly enough.
  14. M

    Keep It Warm

    Howdy! How you all doing? Hey, so I'm pet sitting for my neighbor, and her cat got out. She won't use the pet flaps though, I don't know why. So I propped them open and put her food inside in hopes she'll come in. But it's winter in Montana. So, when the cat comes in, how do I hear the house...
  15. M

    Chicken Socks...?

    I don't actually live where she does, we have them at a separate property. I couldn't monitor it all the time. Is there any waterproof vet wrap?
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