Recent content by Mis pollitos

  1. Mis pollitos

    Comment by 'Mis pollitos' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    After reading your article I took my new "chicas" outside (at about 2 weeks) thing ever. I live in Minnesota. They were(are) protected with plastic all around & heater in there. I was very concerned the first night as the temp went down to 30. They did great! In the future all my new...
  2. Mis pollitos

    Chick poo question & pic question answered, now a new concern, runny poo. Second time today, don't know who....any comments, suggestions? Thank you!!
  3. Mis pollitos

    Chick poo question & pic

    That's a relief! Thank you!!
  4. Mis pollitos

    Chick poo question & pic

    Have some new chicks, the oldest around 10 days old, youngest about 7 days. I have seen this poo 2 times, once yesterday and this one today, very stinky, but don't know who is doing it. They've not been outside at all. Only have starter food and fresh water. Should I be concerned? Doesn't seem...
  5. Mis pollitos

    Is my chick’s poop normal?

    I have some questions along this line as well. Have some new chicks, the oldest around 10 days old. I have seen this poo 2 times now, but don't know who is doing it. They've not been outside at all. Only have starter food and fresh water. Should I be concerned? Doesn't seem natural to me. Thank...
  6. Mis pollitos

    Review by 'Mis pollitos' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    Marvelous article! Will be getting new chicks in the next day or 2....definitely going to go this route! Thank you!
  7. Mis pollitos

    Cull? Found mass under roost bar this morning

    This isn't a reply to the subject being discussed, but I don't know how to start a question. I hardboiled some eggs for lunch and cut them in ½ one I found what appears to be a small stone (see photo, on narrow lined paper) imbedded in the white, had to dig it out!
  8. Mis pollitos

    hard boiled some eggs, wondering why (how) there was a small stone imbedded in the egg white...

    hard boiled some eggs, wondering why (how) there was a small stone imbedded in the egg white. Any ideas?
  9. Mis pollitos

    Extreme Rooster Damage to Hen (Graphic-ish)!

    Thank you for your reply...Sweetie in good health, Luna (her attacker) has always been a bully. I put blinders on her and it helped for a bit last fall. Sweetie actually got her feathers back, her terribly injured foot healed...then it all started again. It's not AS severe as last year but I...
  10. Mis pollitos

    Extreme Rooster Damage to Hen (Graphic-ish)!

    I have a similar question to this line...only mine isn't a rooster causing the damage. It is one of my 3 chickens! She picks on one specific "victim" (a silver laced wyandotte)....she has feather loss all over her back, at the base of the tail it's down to skin; also on one "shoulder", most of...
  11. Mis pollitos

    Comment by 'Mis pollitos' in article 'Top 10 Best Egg Producing Chicken Breeds'

    Being in Minnesota, it would be interesting to know how they standup to the cold...
  12. Mis pollitos

    Comment by 'Mis pollitos' in article 'Factors that Influence & Affect Egg Laying'

    how do you give them more protein in the water?
  13. Mis pollitos

    Sore foot need help

    I've been soaking and treating her feet 2x day, putting Wound-Kote on them and it was looking SO much better, then this morning I went out to get her for her "treatment" and the worst foot was all open and bleeding again.....I can't stay ahead of this. Is there anything that can be done about...
  14. Mis pollitos

    HELP!!! Went out to retrieve eggs, give treats & refill the run water and saw this on both of...

    HELP!!! Went out to retrieve eggs, give treats & refill the run water and saw this on both of my supposedly Silver Laced Wyandotte. She's been picked clean by another one of the chicas.....SO aggravating! But the bigger concern now is the newly discovered sores on both her feet. HELP!!! What...
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