Recent content by Miriahbrown

  1. M

    Possibly nothing? Barred Plymouth Rock Leg

    My daughter brought me one of our plymouths and is very concerned about her leg. There's a spot that is black that didn't used to be black? They're just now laying eggs and maturing fully and I didn't know if it was a normal change and can't find anything online? The chicken is acting normal...
  2. M

    Fake egg, nesting box Q

    We just finished our external nesting boxes attached to our coop. We had temporary milk crate ones in the coop for 2 weeks until these were built. We bought ceramic brown eggs to help them know where to lay.. and they kept kicking them out of the crates? Last night we had the nesting boxes...
  3. M

    Nesting box question

    We made our coop last September and knew we would add the nesting boxes later. Well, later has come 🤦🏻‍♀️. I intended us to have already build external nesting boxes that we planned to add - but it's been so rainy and we have been really busy. If I used milk crates for nesting boxes in their...
  4. M

    7 week old chicks

    I'm so hopeful! We can't have roosters and my kids are already so sad that we have to rehome Lemon Pepper. They'd be so upset if we lost any more. Thank you! I'm hopeful - this is encouraging. 🙌🏼🤗 thanks! I hope you're right!!!
  5. M

    Poop on chickens neck?

    Thank you! I'll just leave it :) less work
  6. M

    7 week old chicks

    Curious if anyone can give insight on one of my buff Orpington chicks. They are just over 7 weeks old and one of them has a bigger comb that has red in it. She looks identical to the others in every other way. We bought all sexed chicks from a hatchery and already have one definite rooster in...
  7. M

    Poop on chickens neck?

    My chickens are 7 weeks old and one walked under a roost in time to get cecal poop all over her neck area... do we wash this or leave it? I'm not sure what to do. Her feathers are brown there now and it isn't dry or anything.. help? I've looked all around and can't find an answer 😅
  8. M

    Question about chickens being outside in coop

    Thank you! I thought they were ok, but now I feel so much more confident. Thank you for the reassurances! So glad to feel peaceful about it!
  9. M

    Question about chickens being outside in coop

    Our chicks are 5 weeks old (as of this past Tuesday). They spent 8-10 hrs outside for a week or so before we moved them outside to their coop 3 days ago. They've been outside in the upper 40s and a lot in 50 degree weather with overcast skies and cold ground/grass. They seem pretty much fully...
  10. M

    Deep Litter Q, Grit Q, and a few others

    Ooh, this is good information, thank you. So you simply add your shavings to your run when you clean out the coop? Is your run covered/attached? We have a roof and it's all attached. I hadn't thought about adding any of that into the run when we cleaned it out. Our run currently has lots of dry...
  11. M

    Deep Litter Q, Grit Q, and a few others

    We have finished our coop and run and our chickens are moving out there today from the brooder (they've been spending 6-10 hrs in the run the last week or two already). I have a few things I still have questions about and want to focus on, now that we have all of that taken care of. 1. I want...
  12. M

    Roost question -placement

    Follow up question! I made a support today to add the 8ft bar on the side and it comes out this far over the opening of my clean out door. I made it to where I can set the bar into the bracket and remove the roost bar to clean and open up space when we need to get in the coop. However.. this...
  13. M

    Roost question -placement

    You know.. I looked at so many plans and made sure I picked one that said my size was enough for 10 birds, but I'm wondering if they included the nest boxes in the SF? The plan does have external nest boxes, and I will be adding 3 12 ft wide/deep boxes over winter before they begin...
  14. M

    Roost question -placement

    Thank you so much for your you think the roost height is ok if I covered the windows in winter with shower curtains? And the placement be good for our 90-100+ summers in GA? For the breezes, I mean? I'm considering just adding lower options too and maybe having them higher in...
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