Recent content by mararva

  1. mararva

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    my first sighting of the cicada swarm summer
  2. mararva

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Lovely day for a dust bath with Jade, Fancy and Solita
  3. mararva

    Meow Meow Monday!!!

    lazy meowmorial day :p
  4. mararva

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Solita, a light Brahma, sweetly posing in the daffodils.
  5. mararva

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Ceniza, a 2 year old Sapphire Gem, strolling in the yard.
  6. mararva

    Question of the Day - Sunday, May 19th, 2024

    Haha! I love having a chicken named from my username. She looks so sweet, thanks! Maybe I will name one of mine Lacywing one day! 😁
  7. mararva

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Natural Egg Photo Contest

    Thanks so much!!! All of the photos are truly beautiful. 😍 Congrats @HopKat, @EllieandOlive, @Ajp23, @friednotscrambled, & @fluffycrow!!
  8. mararva

    Meow Meow Monday!!!

    I painted a little portrait of our kitty Boreas on a little clay dish...
  9. mararva

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    My friend grew these and gifted me a bouquet 💐 I'm assuming it's fine to enter cut flowers?
  10. mararva

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Amazing Easter Animal Photo Contest

    Thank you! He's 9 months old and we just adopted him 2 months ago. He loves to play, so it's easy to get him to look at me if I have a toy in hand. :love
  11. mararva

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Amazing Easter Animal Photo Contest

    Not very Easter-y photo but this cute boy (Boreas) wasn't interested in sitting in a basket...
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