Recent content by joya250

  1. joya250

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    They eat grass and some plants... but won't eat lettuce or spinach or other leafy greens that we humans eat. Silly Geese. ;)
  2. joya250

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    Thank you. I can't get anything without pesticides, unfortunately. And here they use stronger pesticides that are usually banned in the states. :( Oats are available. I am assuming UNCOOKED? Is one type better than another? It is rainy season here, so any food I put out will get...
  3. joya250

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    Just posting to give an update. I recruited a friend, and we clipped One Wing. I thought to try that first to see how it goes, and if she still can get over the fence... we will do the other. This morning I had a scare. Before my friend arrived, Lucky flew to the top of the fence...
  4. joya250

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    Thanks. We have no duck feed or pellets here in Panama... at least not where I am in the Western Highlands. I will need to improvise. Thank you for your input. :)
  5. joya250

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    The chicken feed is corn. That's all they have for birds here. Good to know I can use the crumble and I will have to search for nutritional yeast. I am not sure it is available here... the only option would be the little "organic" (and extremely over-priced) health food store... they...
  6. joya250

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    Oh no, I have been feeding my geese corn for years. Unfortunately we are limited here. When I ask for specific "goose" or "duck" food, they look at me like I have 5 heads! haha. Corn is the feed for all "aves" (birds). Sounds like I will need to get creative. Yes, she is beautiful...
  7. joya250

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    oh, thank you! Good to know! I just tried to do it by myself, but she is too squirmy so I must recruit a friend.
  8. joya250

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    Hello again... one more question about my domesticated female Muscovy. She is now 3 months old. I have been feeding her "Starter Crumble" along with lettuce and peas (which she loves)... Now that she is no longer a duckling, I know I need to transition her to something other than the...
  9. joya250

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    Thank you. :) And thank you for your response above. Just did a little YouTube video-ing and feeling much more confident about clipping Lucky's wings.
  10. joya250

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    Thanks. I was thinking this might be a solution, though I know nothing about wing clipping! Time to Google! :-)
  11. joya250

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    Hello :-) So, my female Muscovy duck is approaching 3 months of age. She is 100% domesticated, and I am committed to keeping her. From what I understand this breed of duck can fly, but doesn't fly very far. She is starting to take flight, just enough to fly over the fence into the...
  12. joya250

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    Thank you! Yes, she is adorable. It is great to know what kind of duck she is. And yes, she trills... so Lucky must be a girl! :-) I feel like that could make things a little bit easier. Currently she is perched on my lap... one of her favorite places, even better than top of the foot...
  13. joya250

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    Thanks, Miss Lydia. :) Lucky still doesn't quack, just little chirps of happiness. I certainly will send a video when the quacks start coming. ... Currently on my foot! LOL I love this little ball of feathers. Thank you!!!
  14. joya250

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    Thank you! I don't know if Lucky is male or female yet. My intuition tells me it's female. How will I be able to tell? And if Luck is a female, will she too be looking to mate... or is it a different situation? Thank you in advance. All the advice I am receiving from this forum is...
  15. joya250

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    Hello again... So since I have decided to keep Lucky Duck, I am reading as much as I can. I keep seeing that it is important to keep more than one duck. I understand that. The problem is, I am not in a position to add ANOTHER duck to the family. I might be able to do this in a year or two...
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