Recent content by johnnyj216

  1. johnnyj216

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hello all, too many pages on this thread to read entirely in one day. Anyway, I have a 9 month old Black Australorp and just recently she just started hissing and getting real puffy when ever anyone would approach her. I have what I think thoroughly have checked her for mites, lice, fleas or...
  2. johnnyj216

    Dixie Rainbows Thread

    Does anyone have a clue whether this is hen/roo? 14 weeks old
  3. johnnyj216

    nesting boxes

    at any given time there are 4 nesting boxes in my run. All mine seem to prefer the same one. It's actually funny. Like waiting in line at the DMV. Bock Bock Bock, NEXT!!!
  4. johnnyj216

    IA here

    They act fine. Very active. Don't seem any different.
  5. johnnyj216

    IA here

    I've posted this in a few other forums: Little concerned here; I've got 3 Plymouth Barred Rocks and 1 Black Austraplorp which are all 9 months old. Two months ago I integrated 3 new pullets (14 weeks) . They get along great, no problems up until a week ago. I noticed that my 3 Barred Rocks...
  6. johnnyj216

    Barred Plymouth Rock Club accepting members until: Saturday, Nov.30th at 9PM

    Little concerned here; I've got 3 Plymouth Barred Rocks and 1 Black Austraplorp which are all 9 months old. Two months ago I integrated 3 new pullets (14 weeks) . They get along great, no problems up until a week ago. I noticed that my 3 Barred Rocks no longer get on the roosting bar unless...
  7. johnnyj216

    Comment by 'johnnyj216' in article 'How Much Room Do Chickens Need?'

    Little concerned here; I've got 3 Plymouth Barred Rocks and 1 Black Austraplorp which are all 9 months old. Two months ago I integrated 3 new pullets (14 weeks) . They get along great, no problems up until a week ago. I noticed that my 3 Barred Rocks no longer get on the roosting bar unless...
  8. johnnyj216

    Dixie Rainbows Thread

    Hello are some pics of what I was first told were buff orpingtons when I first got them. Quickly realizing that they weren't. Now at 13 weeks old I was told that one might be a Dixie Rainbow. I've never heard of this type. So I don't know anything about them. As far a egg laying...
  9. johnnyj216

    Another What Breed here.

    The female part is REALLY what I care about most. Can't have Roo's in the city. Going by wha Popsicle posted about the Dixie Rainbow, ( I never heard of) but after googling it mine somewhat resembles that. Especially the neck feathers. But in all, these three are such a riot. I can sit and...
  10. johnnyj216

    Another What Breed here.

    Still new in the chicken world here Wife and I bought 3 what we were told Buff Orpingtons from a local feed store. I believe 2 are red sex link and not sure on the golden one. Does anyone have a guess. They are now 13 weeks old. 2-3 weeks old 2-3 weeks old 13 weeks old 13 weeks old...
  11. johnnyj216

    Silver Laced Cochin Roo or Hen??

    Here they are at 6 weeks old. The first set of pics are of them at 3 days old.
  12. johnnyj216

    Barred Plymouth Rock Club accepting members until: Saturday, Nov.30th at 9PM

    I'm having a problem with nats, does anyone have any suggestions
  13. johnnyj216

    Integrating flock: laying hens eating medicated starter?

    merlotmudpies, how did the transition work for the chicks?
  14. johnnyj216

    Letting the new girls out with the older girls?

    What do most people do with feed when integrating a new 10 week old flock to a 7 month old flock? My young ones are on medicated chick starter and the older girls are on layer feed. I've read a lot that the chicks need to be on the chick started till at least 16 weeks but some say 8 weeks...
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