Recent content by Joeyjojo

  1. Joeyjojo

    11 week old peachicks

    I have 2 peachicks they are 11 weeks old im hoping to have one of each bit not sure ive added a few photos
  2. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

    Thank you im not sure what happened to her if she got he neck stuck somewhere or something attacked her but her neck had no feathers like it had been stripped
  3. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

    So i did have 3 peachicks but one had an accident and im not sure what happened but she passed away so now i only have these 2 if anyone could help identify their sex
  4. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

    Closer picture of the 3
  5. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

    Hop these closer pictures help you
  6. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

    I was hoping for at least 1 male is it normal for them to flare their tales up
  7. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

  8. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

    They are starting to get some colour on their necks
  9. Joeyjojo

    Sexing peachicks

    I have 3 8 week old peachicks i was wondering if anyone could work out the gender
  10. Joeyjojo

    Sexing guinea fowl

    Can anyone help me sex these birds and can anyone tell me why the 3 together wont let the light one near them even though they was all together please
  11. Joeyjojo

    Whats the best bedding for nesting boxes

    Thanks everyone for replying im trying this hemp stuff ive tried the pine shavings but my chooks dont like that so at the moment ive got 3 boxes with grass hay and 3 with this hemp stuff i will update which one they like
  12. Joeyjojo

    Whats the best bedding for nesting boxes

    Hi just after some advice whats peoples thoughts on bedding for nesting boxes whats best
  13. Joeyjojo

    Canine or Raptor?

    could be feral cat ive had 2 chickens get taken by a cat and there was nothing left only the inside bits its not very nice sorry for your loss
  14. Joeyjojo

    Will chicks climb up a ramp

    When ive had chicks in the past they go up a ramp you might have to help them for a few times but they get there eventually they will follow mum and she will make sure they with her
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