Recent content by jman124

  1. jman124

    Comment by 'jman124' in article 'Tuan's Coop'

    beautiful ! what a quality job! lucky girls...
  2. jman124

    Comment by 'jman124' in article 'Chris Lil Coop and Art work'

    wow is right!i didn't realize it'd be such a treat! how big is your run?how many chickens do you have?
  3. jman124


    makes sense about the shoe thing!
  4. jman124


    i'd say i live in mild climate..monterey area of calif.south of san francisco
  5. jman124


    thank you! that box is really cute!
  6. jman124


    I WILL BE TURNING MY GARDEN SHED INTO A COOP. should i make an outside easy access for egg gathering?seems most coop sold come with one.why not gather from the inside of the coop and collect from the nest box? no chickens yet..but so excited..
  7. jman124

    Comment by 'jman124' in article 'Buff Orpingtons Chicken Breed Information Pictures'

    thank you for the great pictures and it was fun reading about your girls!
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