Recent content by happybooker1

  1. happybooker1

    How long does it take a Hen to get used to a coop?

    My coop is one of those pre-fab ones that the run is all underneath n wire n the coop is above. Not counting her, there are 4 almost-3-month old pullets/roosters in that one. She was originally left out by mistake when nighttime came n we closed the coop up n didn’t do a headcount first. As far...
  2. happybooker1

    How long does it take a Hen to get used to a coop?

    I have a pullet that escaped over a month ago and took up roosting in a large bush at the side of my yard. I thought I'd gotten her reintegrated with her former flockmates after she'd been loose about 2 weeks but I've noticed she's back in the bush. About how long should a chicken be shut up in...
  3. happybooker1

    All chicks died within 30 minutes

    Sounds like someone cooked something in a Teflon skillet too near them and the offgases got to them. JMHO.
  4. happybooker1

    How long can 8-10 week old chicks......

    No bottoms to coops. They’re the pre-fab kind. Perhaps ONCE WE’VE DRIED OUT I could set them on pallets, but that won’t be for a week or more.
  5. happybooker1

    How long can 8-10 week old chicks......

    No because the coops are SMALL. The bottom is like 3'x3'.
  6. happybooker1

    How long can 8-10 week old chicks......

    .....survive wading through a flooded coop? I live in Huntsville Texas which has gotten RECORD amounts of rain (like we're up to almost 30" for the month of May) and flooding and where the coops are is a depression spot so completely covered with 1"-2" of water. They can get into the upper loft...
  7. happybooker1

    Caught Escaped Chick ......

    Had chicks hatched March 20 in a coop. Guess I didn't count right when I left them out roaming the back yard around April 25and they were 5 weeks oldish. One didn't get into the coop and took up residence in a big bush/shrub in the corner of our lot. She survived by herself 2 weeks out there...
  8. happybooker1

    Not my chicken but very talented!!
  9. happybooker1

    mold in bottom of feed bag, should I throw out the whole bag?

    I would toss it. THe whole bag. And get a garbage can or something else to store it in for the future.
  10. happybooker1

    I need chick names!!!!!😁😁

    Speckles for any that are speckled black/white. Salt for a white one. Cinnamon or Nutmeg for a brown one (see a theme here?!) Petunia to go with Poppy.
  11. happybooker1

    Letting chicks out of coop

    Well I tried it this afternoon and it worked out wonderfully. I let them out about 3:30 and they stayed in the general area of the coop until they all went back inside about 7:30. I counted and they all made it in. They sure enjoyed scratching in the new places and eating the newly mowed grass.
  12. happybooker1

    how much should i sell polish/easter egger chicks for?

    I bought 18 EE mutts as 1-week old SR chicks for $45 off CL n thought I got a very good deal.
  13. happybooker1

    Letting chicks out of coop

    Hi all! I have a group of a dozen EE's that are 5 weeks old. They've been out of the brooder in the coop area for 2 weeks now and not under any heat. (We're in Texas). Wondering when I can start letting them free range in our 1.2 acre yard? They seem so young, although they're fully feathered. I...
  14. happybooker1

    Free -- 2 Naked Neck chicks! Barnyard mix

    chicks have found a new home.
  15. happybooker1

    Free -- 2 Naked Neck chicks! Barnyard mix

    I’m sorry you’re not closer too. ☹️
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