Recent content by Evoa14

  1. Evoa14

    My hen is unwell, help!

    My 5 years old hen (who doesn’t lay eggs anymore) has been unwell for 5 days. She is very slow, doesn’t move a lot and stays at the same spot for hours. She stills follows my other hen to the other side of the garden but then stays at the same spot. She still ate a bit 2 days ago but today...
  2. Evoa14

    My hen’s comb turned black

    2 years ago my (now 4 years old) hen’s comb turned black. It was light red before when she was younger (first picture) and it turned grey/black (2nd). A year ago it started turning red again. It’s now light red/pink with a bit of grey, like this : Her behavior never changed so I didn’t...
  3. Evoa14

    Feathers loss and no growing back

    You may be right about her feathers growing back only after she has molted. Thank you. The red patch maybe is not getting better because of the bedding in her coop. Her last egg was this morning. And I don’t see any pin feathers, but I will check in a couple of days. Yes I live in France...
  4. Evoa14

    Feathers loss and no growing back

    She is at the age when she should molt you’re right. I haven’t seen her rubbing her belly, but might the straw/hay she sleeps on might irritates her skin even if it is soft. I will put coconut oil on it. Ok thank you I didn’t know!
  5. Evoa14

    Feathers loss and no growing back

    This is relieving thank you.
  6. Evoa14

    Feathers loss and no growing back

    She does not perch which I don’t understand. So she sleeps on hay/straw, it seems soft but maybe with her bald skin it irritates her. I have checked several times and I don’t see anything, I checked the coop too. Her skin is red on her belly and seems dry, but it is not on her other bald spots...
  7. Evoa14

    Feathers loss and no growing back

    Hello, i would like your advice on feather loss. I have 2 hens, no rooster, and there is no pecking between them. One of my hens (she is 23 months) has been missing feathers on her belly, near her keel bone for 6 months. Her skin is a bit red and it looks like a brood patch. She has been...
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