Recent content by emchance

  1. E


    Hi y'all, We've raised 6 chickens from new chicks, now they're 1.25 yrs. Loving the process.
  2. E

    Comment by 'emchance' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    I would love to do this, but my coop is a 15sf elevated coop, and my run is 5'x13'. It's not heated. Last year I got my chicks in February and we had 6wks or more of below freezing temps... never below 12° I really love the idea of your set up, but what you describe would take up a large portion...
  3. E

    how many eggs a week do you get from an easter egger

    I have 2 EEs and I've seen both in the nests so I know both are laying. I have 2 Australorps and 2 Delawares. They all began laying about 3 weeks ago. An EE egg was the 3rd one I got. Now my 6 birds are giving me consistently 5 eggs a day... only one EE a day ever. The other 2 breeds are all...
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