Recent content by Ducketts

  1. Ducketts

    Yarrow and ducks

    Thanks! I read it was ok for chickens but I always like to double check with ducks lol
  2. Ducketts

    Yarrow and ducks

    Lol well that's good to know. I do like the medicinal benefits of yarrow for wound care and I wasn't sure if it was good for their bellies like it is for people
  3. Ducketts

    Yarrow and ducks

    Oregano is one of their favorites! I have both Greek and Italian in there for them. They eat that and the Parsley up pretty well lol
  4. Ducketts

    Yarrow and ducks

    Hey everyone, I like to plant a decent sized herb garden that my ducks have free range over as well as myself. I usually plant run of the mill herbs but I put ecenacia in it this year and I was thinking of adding yarrow. Is yarrow duck safe?
  5. Ducketts

    Rouen targeting one Pekin ducks eggs

    So it seems my Rouen (cinnamon) is eating my one Perkins (Quackster) eggs. I'm not sure why, they get Purina duck feed and have 2 bowls of oyster shells in their coop. I put wooden eggs in their coop to try to remedy the situation to no avail. She was raised with the 2 boys who share a divided...
  6. Ducketts

    Wide stance silver appleyard

    I was wondering until I get to TSC would the natures bounty b complex liquid be ok? Here's the breakdown
  7. Ducketts

    Wide stance silver appleyard

    That was my thought, my one Pekin had a niacin deficiency that caused her feet to turn in so I wasn't sure on this symptom. I will get her on b complex asap. Thank you!
  8. Ducketts

    Wide stance silver appleyard

    Also they're Just under 3 weeks old and I feed them dumor duck all life stage pellets from TSC and they got pre/post biotic as well as electrolytes for their first week in every drinker and now they get it in one drinker and they have a clean clear water drench bowl
  9. Ducketts

    Wide stance silver appleyard

    Hey everyone, I got me 3 new babies from Metzers 1 magpie, one buff and one silver appleyard. The magpie and buff are doing really well and the silver a is healthy, but she has a wide stance compared to the other 2. She seems to be moving around just fine but she does seem to plop down for a...
  10. Ducketts

    Eye injury from drake

    I got it and she has gotten a few treatments. Her eye is still puffy but there wasn't any foam today. I still flush it multiple times a day for good measure. Thank you for your help
  11. Ducketts

    Eye injury from drake

    Awesome! Thank you both!
  12. Ducketts

    Eye injury from drake

    They do love to attack ice cubes if they're in water
  13. Ducketts

    Eye injury from drake

    Awesome, Thank you Jenbirdee! Is there anything I can put on to reduce the swelling? I don't think she would appreciate an ice pack lol
  14. Ducketts

    Eye injury from drake

  15. Ducketts

    Eye injury from drake

    Hey everyone, My largest Pekin duck got a little too much attention from my khaki and he but her eye, it's swollen pretty good and is now starting to get a little foamy. It didn't have foam last night, just the swelling. I have been irritating it since I noticed it swelling with home made...
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