Recent content by DoDa

  1. DoDa


    Yep, mating behavior. We didn't have a rooster our first year and thought it was very novel that the girls would squat for a little pet. Then we kept a rooster this year and saw what the behavior was really all about. It didn't seem as novel when we realized they thought we were roosters and...
  2. DoDa

    Horse vs. Dog in predator prevention

    My husband and I are taking our puppy for walks only on our property and limiting his off-leash time to areas that are FAR away from others' property and well within our own, for starters. If he leaves the property, it's in a vehicle, not walking out on the road on foot. I'm hoping that gets us...
  3. DoDa

    Horse vs. Dog in predator prevention

    Update: We took our horse to my friend's a while back. I was biting my nails over the whole thing but my friend keeps her horses on the same property with another guy who has all these large work horses, mostly male. My 20 year old horse who looked blase all summer, bored with us and our...
  4. DoDa

    this morning in the pasture

    Looks like a mixed "flock"... hehe. You've got some pretty girls there... they look to be in fine health, always nice to see!
  5. DoDa

    Absolutely Brokenhearted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *UPDATE!*

    I agree with Darin115 about the compensation. It seems people aren't always compelled to do the right thing these days from an internal sense of right and wrong, but money and legal rights can sway them. I don't know if it's possible to recoup more than the value of the birds, but if it were me...
  6. DoDa

    This is the kind of town I live in, what a crock

    Perhaps one day all the chickens (or geese, or cats, or owls... etc.) will come together and decide that they need to remedy the problem of an exploding population of humans in their "gated community"? How can you blame a goose for frequenting a perfectly good pasture? It must really crack the...
  7. DoDa

    Horse vs. Dog in predator prevention

    Thank you Beekissed! I'm getting tired just thinking about the change and you all have given me hope. We've been overworked for some time (years) and we're trying to make a good decision that will bring more peace and organization to our place... I'm o.k. with the training time if we get a...
  8. DoDa

    Horse vs. Dog in predator prevention

    Thank you for the advice about dogs. If we get a dog, he/she will be be trained one way or another. I was raised on a beef farm and stray dogs running is NOT o.k. Our neighbor keeps telling me to get a Great Pyranese (sp?). I was thinking more cattle dog/shepherd but don't know if that would do...
  9. DoDa


    We let our first batch of hens have the very little bit of meat that remained on a T-bone steak. You should have seen them fighting over it, 4 beaks clamped on, pulling in different directions. Since then I've told my DH that if I'm injured on the farm, I certainly don't want to go down near the...
  10. DoDa

    Horse vs. Dog in predator prevention

    We've made plans to send our pet horse to a friend's home. I'm pretty sure she's one of the main reasons we've had limited problems from predators, particularly the coyotes we hear at night (can't be more than a half mile away) and occasionally see on the adjoining property. We live trap...
  11. DoDa

    Sad Day...lost a rooster

    So sorry about your loss.
  12. DoDa

    moldy feed YUCK!!

    I just had a moldy feed experience, also. It was bagged feed from a large chain store (no point in naming names really). We're in Wisconsin and we had all that flooding about a month ago. There's still standing water in many places around here and for a long time it was just MOIST everywhere...
  13. DoDa

    What do you do with your long hair?

    I had long hair (mid or lower back length) through my early 20s, always in a braid on the farm, down when I went out. I cut it to shoulder length then and was thrilled. It still had enough length to attract my husband. He's said he'd like longer hair on me but would prefer me happy and...
  14. DoDa

    More reason to produce your own food.

    It is so great to read all these posts and know that the numbers of folks who think about where their food is coming from is growing. I hope all of you are keeping up on NAIS news. It will potentially affect all of us. I really believe that small farms/family farms and homesteaders are the...
  15. DoDa

    Can anybody make a list of the different chickens and how they taste?

    We've tried White Wyandotte, SL Wyandotte, Cornish X and Dark Cornish. My favorite, and the type we now sell for meat birds, is Dark Cornish. They are smaller and take longer to raise than Cornish X, but the meat seems to have a slightly "finer" flavor than the X. It's hard to explain. I guess...
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