Recent content by DashHam

  1. DashHam

    Dark Blotches on Comb

    Gee whiz, maybe I should try that. I never washed or scrubbed anything on my hens before, but, I could probably pull it off with this one. Although she has been known to physically attack me. Thanks for the idea. Not much mud around, but who knows what they get into.
  2. DashHam

    Dark Blotches on Comb

    I recently noticed my Blue Andalusian hen is getting these dark blotches on her comb. I don't think they're raised or anything, just discoloration. Kind of disturbing, as she's always had a really nice red comb, but, otherwise she is behaving normally and laying regularly. Anyone have any idea...
  3. DashHam

    Comment by 'DashHam' in article 'Petaluma Cabin Coop'

    Thanks, judyki2004! Regarding the vinyl flap door, I think I'm going to modify it. It seems like the flaps all line up nicely when they LEAVE the henhouse, but get out of whack when the go in at night. Kind of the opposite of what I'd like. I think I'm going to try putting a little wood strip in...
  4. DashHam

    Comment by 'DashHam' in article 'Petaluma Cabin Coop'

    JessicaEm, thanks, and, no, we didn't leave them in the tractor at night. But we would leave them in all day if the weather permitted, which it mostly did. They were much happier out there compared to the kiddie pool pen we had inside! By six weeks they should be able to stand the cold, but I...
  5. DashHam

    Comment by 'DashHam' in article 'Petaluma Cabin Coop'

    Thanks, all, for the kind words! PAChickenChick2, I guess I should have said "asphalt roofing roll", which I guess is like shingles in a roll. Asphalt with sand attached, basically. Cheap and fast, was my main thing. Should be okay over the heavy tarpaper/felt stuff underneath. As for the roost...
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