Recent content by Dany12

  1. Dany12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    Dark silver pied ....
  2. Dany12

    Pavo muticus SPICIFER

    There are at least three different types of Pavo muticus spicifer in Burma...the Muticus subspecies! The necks are blue! 1 = 2 = 3 =
  3. Dany12


    There are only a few Congo peafowl in private homes in Belgium and Holland.
  4. Dany12

    Was a Peacock, Now a Peahen
  5. Dany12

    Was a Peacock, Now a Peahen

    Head feathers....size of the bird ....
  6. Dany12

    Was a Peacock, Now a Peahen

    Zebra corner of the wings!
  7. Dany12

    Was a Peacock, Now a Peahen

    Back of a male = No streaked feathers!
  8. Dany12

    Was a Peacock, Now a Peahen

    She ... hum ... he was a peahen... she laid eggs! Now she's a he!
  9. Dany12

    rare things

    An owl ! (Bubo sumatranus).
  10. Dany12

    rare things

    Still very rare! :eek:
  11. Dany12

    Sexing peachicks

    Female: .... the new feathers are gray without streaks! That’s 3 females!
  12. Dany12

    Girls or Boys?

    Java peahen .... spalding peahen .... corner of the wing brown zebra feathers!
  13. Dany12

    Spalding...boy or girl?

    Yes, female! ... first egg... May 2025!
  14. Dany12

    Spalding...boy or girl?

    Brown belly = female!
  15. Dany12

    Please HELP need advice now!

    2 drops of Tylan 200 injectable ON the eye!
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