Recent content by Daisho

  1. D

    Shell-less (and membrane-less!) eggs?

    Okay, I’ll assess the situation tomorrow and see if I need to go out and buy the one at Walmart you recommended. Thank you!
  2. D

    Shell-less (and membrane-less!) eggs?

    I’ve looked online for some pills to overnight ship, and I’ve found a few. Which ones do you think are best? Or do you have a go to one I should get?
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    Shell-less (and membrane-less!) eggs?

    I don’t have the exact feed bag because I put the feed in a sealed bucket and toss the bag out, but I feed the hens (6 total) about two or three small handfuls of mealworms to get them back into the run everyday. I believe I am using a generic shell-strengthening feed that I bought at Tractor...
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    Shell-less (and membrane-less!) eggs?

    Forgot to mention we did get a solid egg from her this morning with a fully hard shell, so she is not egg-bound (I think).
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    Shell-less (and membrane-less!) eggs?

    Hello, my about 1 year old golden comet has been very inactive today and hasn’t moved hardly all day. I went to go check up on her about an hour ago and she laid a runny poop, the just pooped out an egg without shell and membrane. Couldn’t get a picture due to the other hens eating it so...
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    Need help identifying

    Recently, one of my chickens has developed a scab and purple area around it on her wattle. It’s only on one side and I just noticed this a few days ago, as it wasn’t there about a week ago. I am thankful for any help with this issue.
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    Roosters Crown Issues

    Hello, my cousin decided to get chickens some time last year and hasn’t had many issues until now. His roosters crown is not looking very good, and has a large scab over the crown. I have attached pictures of both sides to try and help.
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    Hello everyone, I am a new chicken owner, and I currently have a flock of six! There are two golden comets, two Plymouth rocks, and two golden wyandottes.
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