Recent content by ckhd

  1. ckhd

    Yes, please.

    Yes, please.
  2. ckhd

    ISO - hatching eggs for Buff Orpington and/or Russian Orloff

    I want better than hatchery quality. I want American standard Buff Orpingtons, and bearded Russian Orloffs. If you can provide either shipped to 85936, please let me know! If you are within a couple hundred miles of 85936, I might drive to pick them up. Would be willing to get day old...
  3. ckhd

    Comment by 'ckhd' in article 'Things I wish I knew before I got my first chick'

    Added pics and removed goofy looking stock image
  4. Things I wish I knew before I got my first chick

    Things I wish I knew before I got my first chick

    New chicken owners – heads up I recently got back in to chickens. I previously had them when I was a child (well, my family did and I helped), so I didn’t remember a LOT of things about keeping chickens. After having them for a while and relearning about them, I thought I’d share some of my...
  5. ckhd

    Hen's age vs. Hatchability

    I actually have a follow-up question. My chickens free range quite a bit. I'd bet they get at least half their food from scratching around for it. I have feed available 24/7, and they do eat from there. Is free ranging something I should stop while I'm trying to boost her up so I know she's...
  6. ckhd

    Hen's age vs. Hatchability

    That makes a lot of sense. I'll do diet changes, then gather a clutch from her in a few weeks and try again. Hopefully it gets her where she needs to be.
  7. ckhd

    Hen's age vs. Hatchability

    Hi everyone, I have an older hen. To be honest, I don't know how old, I just know her previous owner's mother said, "Oh, my gosh, is she still laying?". She is a beautiful, sweet hen and I want to have more of her, so I tried to hatch three of her eggs. None made it past about day 8 (judging...
  8. ckhd

    Buff Orpington experts...

    That's some good info. I like the idea of getting some from a breeder as a test to see if it's what I want. I have a (distant) cousin here in town that breeds show birds, not Orpingtons, that I probably should have some visits with. If I decide the show route, I'll probably have lots of...
  9. ckhd

    Buff Orpington experts...

    I guess I really need to talk to someone about practical/realistic goals. My chicken experience is limited, but I do know that "pure" and even an animal meeting a "standard" does not always mean "good". My thought process has been that I have chickens as livestock. As livestock, I want as...
  10. ckhd

    Buff Orpington experts...

    So it's likely he is pure, just not bred well...
  11. ckhd

    Buff Orpington experts...

    Yes, American Orpington standards. He is 7 months. I thought the same thing about the points, but wanted to ask someone who knew more than me. The fact that it's the first thing you mentioned means I was right. Dang it, I really like this roo and wanted to use him for breeding, but he's not...
  12. ckhd

    Buff Orpington experts...

    I have concerns about my rooster, i.e. do you see anything that does not meet breed standards? He's 7 Months old, if that makes a difference. If you KNOW Buff Orpingtons, please comment.
  13. ckhd

    Fowl Pox?

    Four are a couple years old, one is 6 months, and the cockerel is 4 months. I did have to keep them cooped up in just their run a few days ago, where I usually let them free range. Tried to give them lots to do in their pen, but I guess it wasn't enough.
  14. ckhd

    Fowl Pox?

    That's a relief. Fowl Pox is 'going around' the Phoenix area. My birds are a long way away from there, but I've been down there almost every week for a while now.
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