Recent content by CABINHOLLOWNC


    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    I’ve never had silkies before so I am completely in the dark with them! They just need to commit or later the end will be the same...LOL (off to my rooster person). They are holding up the integration! :lau:D

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    The black silkie is half the size of the two white I was thinking female too...but who knows? I keep waiting on them to crow! I’ll come back and post an update in a couple of weeks...surly they will let me know by then!🤣:idunno

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    They are between 13 -16 weeks old. I got them 13 weeks ago...but I know they weren’t day old chicks. I’m guessing they were 2-3 weeks old when I got them.

    My first egg! 19 weeks and 4 days. Will the eggs get bigger with time?

    Congrats on your first egg! Yes, laying can be sporadic in the beginning. She may skip a day or three or lay a smaller egg or a really large egg and the color can also vary in shades of the first egg. It takes them a little while to get all of the logistics of egg laying worked out sometimes!

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    Woo hoo! I'll take three girls! LOL...the "Pubescent boy band" has really been practicing hard! But, they all shut up when I start recording, except for my D'ucccle's...those boys never shut up! They are loud and proud! Here are a few videos...I added one of my sweet little girl who loves to...

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    I got a bunch of bantam chicks and ended up with a Buff Brahma and three Silkies. The only one of the bunch that has crowed is the first Silkie, so I know he is a boy...but these other? Edited to say they are between 13 to 16 weeks old as I don't know how old they were when I got them...they...

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?'s been two are updated pictures! There has been no crowing from any of these kids...

    Worst Breeds You've Had

    This opinion probably won't be popular...but I have to say Marans...I don't mind the hens so much...but the cockerels...OMG...they are the most hateful things! I've had four, three Black Copper Marans and one Blue Copper Marans. I wasn't trying to make them friendly, I just wanted them to do...


    We have electric fence (10 strands covering a 5.5 foot fence) around our coop to keep the predators out...including snakes. Last weekend I was in the kitchen and heard the tell tell "POP POP POP" of something touching the hot wires. My husband went out to see what it was and found a huge black...

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    The oldest are the Ameraucana's, which are 18 weeks old! Everybody else is between 12-14 weeks old!

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    I might just do it! It was very entertaining! I have 2 Porcelain D'uccle cockerels and one Mille Fluer. Two Lavender Ameraucuna cockerels, one red sex link (a gift from Tractor Supply...was supposed to be a California White pullet) and at least one silkie.

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    I took my cup of coffee out to the coop this morning for the daily "Crow Off" that happens from 6:58 AM - 7:10 AM each morning to see if anyone wanted to clue me in. None of the Cochin's crowed and the white one's comb was a very pale pink this morning. One of the slikies let me know he was a...

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    I'll pop back over here in a few weeks with updated pictures! I think you are right about the black smooth acts like a cockerel, the other two aren't as bold as the black one is. Thanks again!

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    They are really sweet birds!

    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    Thanks! I'm hoping for two pullets and one cockerel! I honestly don't have a clue about them. I was at Tractor Supply and there was a sign that said "We have Bantam's in the back, ask to see them!"....I couldn't resist that tease!!! So, off I went and picked 7 out of the tub...I ended up with...
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