Recent content by Buttercup is the best

  1. Buttercup is the best

    Sigh.. two separate flocks? Gomes the rotten rooster!

    that sounds like a great idea. he needs to be put in his place and taught not to be a bigshot. your chickens will figure out their pecking order sooner than later.
  2. Buttercup is the best

    Color change in feathers?

    That looks completely normal, I wouldn't worry too much. probably adult fathers coming in. I had an olive egger and the same thing happened to her.
  3. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    Thanks so much, that is really good to know. How do you keep the mice off the oyster shells??
  4. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    alright thanks, i will try that
  5. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    she seems to be getting better, slowly, but surely. just wondering if there is anything I can do to speed up the healing process.
  6. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    This continues to happen, her sister Sequoia has a bareback too, but there are feathers growing back.
  7. Buttercup is the best

    Breaking Broody

    Again, it might just be her personality. She might just have a natural mother instinct. I would just keep an eye on her and try not to worry too much.
  8. Buttercup is the best

    Breaking Broody

    I have a few hens that just act broody in that same way, it might just be their personality. As long as they are still laying I wouldn't worry too much about it. Some hens just have a natural mother instinct that can tease you into thinking they are broody.
  9. Buttercup is the best

    Do you know what breed?

    Ooh, so pretty! Could be a Cochin or Wyandotte. He looks like he might have some easter egger in him possibly as well. My guess is a mix of all 3 or just 1 of them. I'm pretty sure you can get a chicken breed identifier app on your phone to help you!
  10. Buttercup is the best

    Breaking Broody

    I've had some similar problems, one of my hens recently went broody, and 3 others are acting broody but not staying on the nest. They all have bare bellies, which I know is a sign of broodiness. I broke the one that I knew was broody, and now she is fine. Not sure about the others. I also have...
  11. Buttercup is the best

    Breaking Broody

    I've had some similar problems, one of my hens recently went broody, and 3 others are acting broody but not staying on the nest. They all have bare bellies, which I know is a sign of broodiness. I broke the one that I knew was broody, and now she is fine. Not sure about the others. I also have...
  12. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    Thanks so much! We all tend to worry about our girls!
  13. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    Thanks! I will try blu-kote, Redmond clay, and mabey a hen saddle and see if that helps anything.
  14. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    alright, will try that! Thanks so much!!
  15. Buttercup is the best

    Chicken has a red and irritated back, please help!!

    Alright, thank you guys so much. This has been very helpful. I will try Blu kote, and let you know if it works!!
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