Recent content by Buffy Brahma Mama

  1. B

    3 Month review on Omlet automatic chicken coop door

    You're welcome! I have recently built a few smaller coops and started to try the run chicken auto doors. I was hesitant about using them with the light sensor (and any product with a light sensor), as these tend to go after a while. So I use the set time feature on that door just in case. I also...
  2. B

    I dont know what is wrong

    I would get her a saddle to help with the wound healing. It looks like she is being pecked. Down under makes a good one and it's on amazon. Avoid giving her full baths unless it's absolutely necessary. It can remove the oil from the feathers and make it harder for them to keep warm. Just monitor...
  3. B

    Dog attack-- hen pecking at her own wound?

    You can also try a saddle for her. Down under makes a good one and it's on amazon
  4. B

    How to take care of a chicken with an open wound?

    Hope your hen heals soon! Keep her isolated from the rooster for at least two weeks, until the wound heals. Make sure she has a saddle on when you do reintroduce her. DownUnder makes a good one and you can find it on amazon. When the wound is still open, you can rinse it with saline or...
  5. B


    I have just purchased the down under saddles for our hens and so far, so good. I've had them on for a week or so. They went on easily. I will post back if anything goes wrong or they don't work well. Otherwise, no news is good news! Regarding your hens feather picking the new growth, they may...
  6. B

    Week old chick refusing to eat or drink, can't balance properly?

    I would get some Emeraid Intensive care omnivore for the chick that isn't doing well. You can have a vet order it for you. humidity was likely off in your brooder. Best not to incubate dirty eggs, unless they are all you have and you're trying to keep genes from one that passed in the flock...
  7. B

    Sick hen with crop issue?

    I would offer her mashed up crumble with water to make a paste, and offer it free choice. Also, have the vet order you Emeraid IC Omnivore. If she is pooping, it means some things are still moving through and that is a good sign. You can take her weight with a digital kitchen scale, and keep...
  8. B

    Sick Bay Advice Needed

    Is there excess protein in her diet right now? I use soft sided hexagonal dog crates from Elitefield. They are available on Chewy and ship fast. They come in many sizes and can be set up quickly. The only benefit of separating her at this point, seems to be ease of giving meds just to her...
  9. B

    Where can I find/order organic oyster shells in bulk?

    I have asked my certifier and found that both the following are approved for organic use in chickens: Manna Pro 50lbs Oyster Shell. It lists oyster shell and calcium carbonate as the ingredients. Small Pet Select Flaked Oyster Shell. It lists Flaked Oyster and sea shell as the ingredients...
  10. B

    Advice for eye infection

    Hello - I recommend terramycin from a vet. She should be seen at this time, to determine if she might have abrasions on her eye. Certain drops are ok for abrasions and certain drops are not. Best wishes and I hope she recovers for you!
  11. B

    Help with my sick hen

    Possible Coryza? If so, it is a bacterial infection that can be treated with antibiotics. I would go to a vet if possible to check out your chick and provide antibiotics. You will need to keep the flock healthy by ensuring adequate nutrition and periodic vitamin/electrolyte mix in some of your...
  12. B

    Cockerell not well

    So sorry about your roo. He looks dehydrated and depending on what type of mites you have, he may be anemic. DE will not kill a bad infestation immediately, and you need a ton of it blocking every crack and crevice to work properly. It does work, but not fast enough when there is a major...
  13. B


    I'm so sorry. Check your coop for red mites tonight. Look under the roosts. If she is still with you, keep her inside and warm tonight. She will need emergency care at a vet, given the state she is in. A normal vet may not be able to help her, but can possibly give her fluids to keep her going...
  14. B

    I think my chicken is dying. what can I do for her?

    I'm sorry about your hen. Have you treated for parasites and have you had her droppings checked for worms at the vet? I would also suggest an x-ray. For the antibiotic, you might want to have the vet try SMZ TMP instead of the other antibiotic. If they can order you some Emeraid, Omnivore IC...
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