Recent content by blackdog043

  1. blackdog043

    Wall Mount feeders

    Your welcome! I made the DIY a few years back. Two with 3" ports and two with 2 inch ports for chicks to get used to in the brooder. I like this style feeder because it keeps them from billing any out and I've not had a rodent problem.
  2. blackdog043

    Wall Mount feeders

    Your right, the one you linked is crazy expensive. Since your not really a DIY person, something like this might work for you. They have different sizes available. You could put this up by your wall and make a simple lean to, to protect it from the weather or put something in the run to put this...
  3. blackdog043

    Preventing birds from perching and pooping on top of 5 gallon feeder/waterer

    They are easy to make and all you have to do is add water. clean water all the time. I rinse mine out a couple times a year. Here is my article link, if your interested in making one.
  4. blackdog043

    Preventing birds from perching and pooping on top of 5 gallon feeder/waterer

    I place a big, 10 inch I think, orange funnel on top, I also use gamma lids, easy screw on and off.
  5. blackdog043

    Nipple training young Chicks

    I use a chick waterer for 3 weeks, then add a horizontal nipple waterer. I put it in and leave both waterers for about a week, usually some start using the nipples by then and the rest follow, after I take the chick one out. I made a small waterer for the brooder, I have 3 nipples in it now. I...
  6. blackdog043

    Heated waterer?

    Below is a link to my heat Here's a link to an article I wrote on my heated waterer build.
  7. blackdog043

    How do you manage iced water?

    You can buy cord connection covers, if you want to keep it out of the weather.
  8. blackdog043

    How do you manage iced water?

    @shabby chic-hens Below is a link to an article that I wrote that might help you.
  9. blackdog043

    Has anyone used these adapter sets?

    I made the DIY feeder with 90 deg elbows, they work good for me. I have no experience with the ports you posted. I would recommend using horizontal nipples over the cups for the water. They won't get dirty or collect debris in them like the cups do. Also if you live in a cold climate, you can...
  10. blackdog043

    Whats the best brooder bedding?

    I use Tractor Supply white bag pine shavings, from day one. I don't have any problems using them.
  11. blackdog043

    Walking on Black Jack 57

    If I had any dried poop on the floor, i used an old metal ice scraper to scrape it loose, never damaged the floor. If you have a flat shovel, you could use that also. I have a dirt floor now, so I do deep litter.
  12. blackdog043

    Gravity feeder

    Here's the link for building the feeder. I didn't seal around the elbow to hold it in, I used two L brackets so I didn't have to worry about the elbows being knocked loose, I used 90* elbows, they work great for me...
  13. blackdog043

    Keeping bedding and poop out of the food and water

    Sorry for taking so long, I don't have time to get on here as much as I used to. Here is my build article on the feeder.
  14. blackdog043

    Bedding for open chicken run

    Yep, course wood chips is your best option. Just like walking on a nice mulched flower bed. If drainage isn't a problem in your run, the water will filter down into the ground and you will be walking on chips. Make them 3 - 4 inches to start and as they break down add more. There is no need to...
  15. blackdog043

    Do i rake and ean or let it compost?

    There is no reason to clean out your run the way you are doing it, unless you want some black gold to use, then take some out. I would highly suggest adding wood chips(tree trimming chips) making it at least 3 - 4 inches to start and keep mixing in your other stuff. As it starts to break down...
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