Recent content by Bigbluefrog

  1. Bigbluefrog

    Mating Injuries?

    Having just hens isn't so bad. Having a rooster hasn't been a good experience for us. I am on number 2! Maybe it is the breed? Or is it just bad luck
  2. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster or No Rooster?

    Excellent points. I am on my 2nd rooster. We have to cull him for being aggressive with the hens. He is tearing their combs and making them bleed. He is okay with us though. I have separated him. Time outs and then re introduced to the hens. He mounts the older hens. Terrorizes them that they...
  3. Bigbluefrog

    Hen showing signs of distress

    Most likely that is it. To be safe I am treating w corid although her poo was yellowish and watery not bloody so the rest of the hens are getting Corid.
  4. Bigbluefrog

    Hen showing signs of distress

    Thanks, I wish I knew why she died. Hope it is a odd thing
  5. Bigbluefrog

    Hen showing signs of distress

    weird no eggs at all inside not in any phase.
  6. Bigbluefrog

    Hen showing signs of distress

    So update on hen. She passed last night. She was panting. Weak. Do not know what from. I did my own autopsy- no eggs in any stage inside of her. Crop was full of seeds from scratch and pretty hard. Smaller than a golf ball.. about the size of a quarter full. Felt hard. Idk if this is post...
  7. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster chases hens every morning!

    At what age would he settle down? 1 year? 2? Just curious as our last rooster was good with hens at a year but had to go for attacking people
  8. Bigbluefrog

    5 week old chicks not enough space!

    We like the ceramic bulb as well. No light from it so they appear to sleep better. Radiant heat sounds intriguing
  9. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster chases hens every morning!

    Where do I find a good rooster? My last rooster was good but attacked humans or me. This one likes to make one of bigger comb hens bleed. I watched him peck at her repeatedly. I get the mating thing. I get the feather loss. But the tearing of combs is a bit over the top don't you think? I will...
  10. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster chases hens every morning!

    Seems about right
  11. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster chases hens every morning!

    Poppy is an Americana EE brown red. That is my best guess he is 6 months old. My hens are 8 months old ! math is Barred rocks nd Rhode island reds.
  12. Bigbluefrog

    5 week old chicks not enough space!

    Concrete can radiate cold. Put cardboard down first as it will be a buffer. Tarp and wood chips too. That is how we made our broader in the garage and mine did okay
  13. Bigbluefrog

    Hen showing signs of distress

    Gave her calcium. Off to TS for antibiotics. She was roosting in the shed isolation area. Left her a nest too. Nice and quiet.
  14. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster chases hens every morning!

    He is 8 months old. The ones not letting him mate are all laying 10 month old barred rocks. He can only catch the older hens who aren't laying. Why do people have roosters? Seems a bit too much. He is in a bachelor pad. I am building him his own coop. He can live separately til he learns...
  15. Bigbluefrog

    5 week old chicks not enough space!

    I would put cardboard down on the concrete floor. Have some type of safe heat in place. If using a heat lamp make sure it is securely mounted several ways and keep it clean of dust. We have a heat lamp that is chained to a hook and then wired to another hook. And the electric cord is also...
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