Recent content by Artistect

  1. A

    A Salmon Favorelle, Austrolorpe, Easter Egger and...???

    Yes. The Sex Link was a runt forever. She was a little smaller than the other three when we got them at like 2 or 3 days old. Then everyone else started growing and she didn't we were a little worried at first but I came here and did a couple of searches and she didn't seem like she was in...
  2. Our Coop

    Our Coop

    We started off with a little coop that we ordered off the internet. It was supposed to be good for 4 chickens but was really small. So anyway I spent a Saturday putting that setup together and then the following weekend we picked up our 4 chicks. While we were at the farmer's place I was looking...
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    A Salmon Favorelle, Austrolorpe, Easter Egger and...???

    That is awesome! I cant wait to see what we get tomorrow...
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    A Salmon Favorelle, Austrolorpe, Easter Egger and...???

    I found the first egg yesterday, brought it in and sat it on the counter then ran out to my office to get my phone so I could text my wife a picture. By the time I got back the dog was just finishing it up....
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    A Salmon Favorelle, Austrolorpe, Easter Egger and...???

    Nice! We got a sort of blue green egg from our EE, and then an almost white one showed up. If we can expect hers to be brown then it must have been our Austrolorpe that laid the pale one. All very exciting...they just started laying yesterday....
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    Newish Backyard Chicken Enthusiasts

    Wow... th hat is a beautiful bird!
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    A Salmon Favorelle, Austrolorpe, Easter Egger and...???

    OK...I hadnt heard of that but the breeder had RIR and Barred Rocks and a quick search shows a lot of similar looking chickens. Any idea what her eggs would look like?
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    Newish Backyard Chicken Enthusiasts

    Thanks all! I posted an identity question about one of our ladies here: Any help would be appreciated....
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    A Salmon Favorelle, Austrolorpe, Easter Egger and...???

    We got our birds this winter. We know, we know, should have waited til Spring so I didnt have to share my office with them for 2.5 months....ugh. We bonded tho and my clients got a lot of laughs hearing the constant peeping in the background of my calls. Anyway, our Favorelle ended up being a...
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    Newish Backyard Chicken Enthusiasts

    Our family started a flock this winter. My son was exposed to chickens in the STEM program at his school and he talked us into it. Now we are hooked and love our flock. I have attached a photo of the flock and the coop.
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