Recent content by annie3001

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    The Front Porch Swing

    Hi bee kissed! Been a long time since I've been on byc. It's nice to see familiar names still here. Have a great day!
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    Well....My wife passed away

    Sorry for your loss. I haven't been on byc in a long time. I have read your posts before. God bless. Andrea-
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    Need a rooster

    Hello. I'm posting here, I'm in the need of a rooster, ours passed away the other day. He has to be 1 month or younger. Ct. Or ma. Only. Thank you My hens need a man soon, they free range, I have about 14. So they are pretty sad..... Thanks,
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    Want to get rid of my chickens ct only

    Deleting thread
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    Mites, lice? First time.(PICTURES)

    Discard old food and water. Wash all dishes in a mild mixture of vinegar and water. Rinse well, refill and place well, refill and place back into the coop.
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    Mites, lice? First time.(PICTURES)

    1 Purchase a commercial poultry parasite treatment. There are a number to choose from, such as Permectrin, Ravap or Rabon. You can find them at any farm supply store or purchase online. I found this online
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    Mites, lice? First time.(PICTURES)

    Hard to tell with the photos. But the missing feathers is a sign it's something. If your in a warm climate then wash her outside. I would be using gloves while handling her.
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    Mites, lice? First time.(PICTURES)

    Hi, I would first separate this hen from the others. Clean the coop well bedding and all. It may also be fleas. I would clean the hen well. IMO it's ok to bring her indoors and clean her with soap/water mixture. Don't mix her with the others till your certain it's gone. Good luck Andrea-
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    Predator eyes

    I've often wondered if those fake owls really work, great video.
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    New to us chickens

    Welcome to byc!!! :):):)
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    Post pics of your flock here

    [VIDEO] Here's some if mine.
  12. 2013


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