Recent content by Aesha03

  1. Aesha03

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    It very well might be a he lol I'll let you know :)
  2. Aesha03

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I got americanas and easter eggers.
  3. Aesha03

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I did. Im sure theres always a chance for a roo, but we'll see. I already have 3 roosters don't need another right now.
  4. Aesha03

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi, We are doing great! We are raising 6 new babies inside to add to our flock in a few weeks.
  5. Aesha03

    Weird problem

    I have a few, but Maybe I can add more
  6. Aesha03

    Calling all Homeschoolers

    I home school my daughters 13 and 6 years old, and in 10th and 1st grades. We have always home schooled, and I cant imagine life being any different.
  7. Aesha03

    Weird problem

    I have 9 chickens that have 10 acres to free range on during the day as well as a coop and run that is always available to them. The coop and run has shade, food, and water always available, and is in the back, not near the house. The problem is that my chickens always want to be on my front...
  8. Aesha03

    Rhode Island Red? Hen or roo?

    I rescued a hen, and the eggs she was sitting on, from a hoarding situation. This was one of 9 chicks she hatched.
  9. Aesha03

    Rhode Island Red? Hen or roo?

    Thank you all :)
  10. Aesha03

    Rhode Island Red? Hen or roo?

    About 12 weeks old, and starting to get some longer tail feathers. He/she was part of a rescue, so I have no idea, beyond appearance, what breed. Any insights on either gender or breed?
  11. Aesha03

    Puppy Pictures!

  12. Aesha03

    South Dakota Thread!

    Hello sd! I live in the black hills area. Nice to meet you all
  13. Aesha03

    What kind of chicken is this?

    This is Amelia, our rescue hen. Any idea what kind she is?
  14. Aesha03

    Ended Broodies and Their Babies Photo Contest

    Amelia and her mini. Amelia is a hen that I rescued from an animal hoarder situation with her 9 chicks, she is not particularly friendly, but she is getting less mean.
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