Recent content by 6chicks4us

  1. 6chicks4us

    Chicks outside??

    I put my 3 1/2 week old chicks (I only had two buff orpingtons) in the coop last night with 5 almost 6 week old chicks. One of the older chicks ( a barred rock) actually 'adopted' the two buff orpingtons before I put them outside. The temperature here is 80-85 during the day and in the 60's at...
  2. 6chicks4us

    How to attach Hardware cloth?

    I believe the hardware cloth, as it is actually galvanized welded wire, is strong enough on its own. 'Hardware Cloth' sounds as if it is thin, but it is not. It appears to be the recommended type of wire to use on runs, etc. I will let you know as soon as I get mine up if it will keep out the...
  3. 6chicks4us

    How to attach Hardware cloth?

    Thanks! I ordered the 48" from Amazon; I couldn't find it locally.
  4. 6chicks4us

    How to attach Hardware cloth?

    I am getting ready to build a run to attach to my Purina-style coop. I thought of using the 48" hardware cloth, but I am now wondering if the 36" might be stronger and easier to work with. I was thinking that if I went with the 48" there would be less waste, but I have found the 36" width is...
  5. 6chicks4us

    Built Purina hen house!

    Cost of all new materials at Lowe's was less than $300.
  6. 6chicks4us

    Purina Mills Coop - Big Enough?

    I read that about the roosting area, too, but my five RIR (about 10 weeks old but huge!) all roost together in about a foot of space!
  7. 6chicks4us

    New Chicken owner Help with coop please

    We just built the Purina Coop, 4x4. I had 6 chicks, but 3 of them have turned out to be roosters so 1 has found a new home and I am downto 5. I live in Virginia and the materials for the coop cost about $250 at Lowes. This was everything except the paint.. We intend to build a run, but the...
  8. 6chicks4us

    Built Purina hen house!

    Purina Coop-built Posted some pictures on the member page 6chicks 4usPage. I am still learning how to maneuver around this site!
  9. 6chicks4us


    Describe '6chicks4usPage' here 6 Rhode Island Reds for Easter that I was NOT prepared for! However, it didn't take long to get in the act. Husband and Son built the Purina Coop pretty much last Saturday. Painted it this week but still have a ffew things to, nest box, and whatever...
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